everything's going to be ok

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The next day at lunch me, Landon, Penelope, Josie, Lizzie, MG, and Rafael were all sitting together. They got to know Landon better and luckily everyone got along. We were all laughing and having a good time, until I saw the one person I never wanted to see again. I had to leave because I was about to burst out into tears. I went to the lake dock and sat looking out at the water, crying.


After Hope left the cafeteria, I went to go see what was wrong. "I've looked everywhere." I told Rafael. "Go check the lake dock, she might be there." He said. As I got closer to the dock, I heard Hope. She was crying.

I went up to her and put my arm around her shoulder. She leaned up against me and sobbed into my shirt. I wanted to ask what was going on but I didn't want to push her. She would tell me when she's ready. "Everything's going to be ok," I told her, "Whatever's going on, I'm right here." She leaned a little closer.

After she had stopped crying we just sat there. She calmed down and we started to leave. "I'm sorry Landon." She said. "Hey, there's nothing to be sorry about. But when you're ready you can talk to me, ok." I said back to her. She started crying again and I pulled her into a hug. She just held onto me. We stood there for about 10 minutes and it was getting dark outside. "Let's go back to your room." I told her. "Ok." She said back. As we started to leave I saw someone coming up to her. But when she saw him she wasn't confused, she was terrified.


I saw him. I saw him walking up to me. I didn't know what to do. Scream, hide, run, it didn't matter. He would catch me anyway. I just stood there. As he walked up to me Landon grabbed me and pulled me close. He made me feel safer, but not safe. "Hey young lady." He said to me. "Zac, just leave me alone." I said to him. "Oh well see, I can't do that. And your boyfriend here isn't going to stop me." He said. "Please, I put the past behind me and have tried to move on, please." I said trembling with fear and starting to cry again. He grabbed me and ran off into the woods.

"Zac please!" I begged him over and over again. He wouldn't let me go. "Stop moving!" He said to me. I just stood there. I heard Rafael and MG coming for me. They we're getting closer, with Landon right behind them. Zac started to get something out of his bag. He stopped right when he saw MG. I tried to run to MG and Raf but he grabbed me by the arm and held onto me tightly. Josie and Lizzie did some spell and Zac fell to the ground. I was sobbing standing there. I was in shock.

Landon picked me up and took me back to my room. I was still crying and he comforted me. We just sat there and no one said anything. Until I told him what was actually going on.

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