just tired

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I fell asleep somewhere when we were coming home from the lake. I woke up with Landon holding me and me freezing cold.

"Landon, why is it so cold in here?" I asked him. "I'm not sure. But here, put this around you." He told me as he handed me another blanket. I put the blanket around me and laid back down with Landon's arm around me. "Are you ok?" He asked me. "Yeah," I replied. "Just tired." He pulled me close and I got warmer. I fell asleep again and didn't wake up for what seemed like forever.


Hope woke up about 5 hours later. She seemed confused.

"What's wrong?" I asked her. "Nothing." She said tiredly. I got her some water and some fruit. "Thank you." She said. "Your welcome." I said smiling. She finished eating and snuggled up to me.

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