i don't want him back

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Apparently I was dreaming about that night because I woke up with Landon screaming my name, me crying and hyperventilating, and sweat pouring down my forehead. "Shh, your ok." Landon said trying to calm me down. "I don't want him back." I said. "I know you don't, I don't either. Just try and get some sleep." Landon told me. I practically laid on top of Landon trying to feel safe. He kissed the top of my head and held me tightly till' I fell asleep.


The next morning Hope woke up and was getting ready, and I was still in bed. I was a little confused but didn't really care as long as she was happy. "You're up early." I laughed as I startled her. "Don't scare me like that!" She said as she was laughing too. She sat on the bed as I sat up. I pushed her hair behind her ear and leaned in for a kiss. "Ugh, do u have lipstick on?" I asked her. "Sorry." She said sarcastically. We kissed again and she told me to get dressed. "Landon we're going to be late." She said. "Fine." I said back, not wanting to move. I got dressed and we went to class. Of course Zac was in her first class which I was in too. She leaned her head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around hers. "It's ok." I whispered into her ear. She moved a little bit closer. The rest of the day was normal but I had to ask her a question once we got back to her room.

"Hope," I asked, "Yea?" She replied, "Have you told anyone else about this?" A tear went down her cheek. "No. He said if I did, h- he would kill me." She said as I was walking up to her. "I'm so sorry." I said to her. I wiped her tear and hugged her tightly. We fell asleep and she didn't move at all tonight.

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