im sorry

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At about 6:00, I was walking to the lake dock because Landon said he had something planned. He wouldn't tell me what so I tried to get there early. But when someone grabbed me and covered my mouth with their hand, I knew it was going to be a long night.

Zac pinned me up against a tree and started rambling words I couldn't understand. Then I finally heard him. "I warned you not to tell anyone." He said. "I'm sorry." I said sobbing. "It doesn't matter now does it. I'm not going to kill you, but I am going to do something worse." He said. "I'd rather die." I replied, because I knew what was coming. He didn't care. He pushed me onto the ground and I tried to fight him. I punched him and he pinned my arms to the ground. "Get off of me!" I yelled at him. He put his hand over my mouth again and started to kiss my neck. I almost gave up until I heard someone walking close by.


I was done with getting the picnic ready when I heard Hope scream. I ran as fast as I could and tried to find her. Once I heard her scream again, I knew who she was with. Once I found them I was furious. I did something I never thought I would do.

"Leave her alone." I told Zac as I kicked him off of her. "See, I can't do that because she told you about our little secret." He said looking me straight in the eyes. "You're a little bitch aren't you." I said right back. "I wouldn't put it that way." He replied. He tried to run back to Hope, but I grabbed him by his neck and pulled him to where he was standing right in front of me. "Try it." I told him. "Ok." He said back. I pushed my hand into his chest and twisted his heart. "Hey man, y- you don't have to do this." He said with fear in his eye, which made me laugh. "Yeah, I do." I said as I ripped his heart out.


I sat on the ground sobbing as Landon killed Zac. I couldn't stand up. I mean I could, I just couldn't at the moment. I was weak because I was crying so much. Landon ran over to me and I couldn't move.

He picked me up and tried to calm me down. He knew that I didn't want to go back to the school so he took me to the lake dock. "Shh, calm down, it's ok." He told me. But, I just couldn't. Once we got to the dock I saw what he had prepared for us and I smiled. He sat me down and draped his jacket around me. I was still crying and it seemed like I couldn't stop. Once Landon finally sat down he pulled me close and kissed me on my head.

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