Chapter Two: The Story

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Just to let you guys know, from now on, the story will go back and fourth between 2006 and 2014. The pictures of Jiri will depict what year it is.

2006 - Toronto Maple Leafs

2014 - Carolina Hurricanes

Thanks so much for reading! Don't forget to vote, comment, ect.!

-Courtie :)


If you're wondering what I mean when I say I've messed everything up, let me explain...

It was 8 years ago, here in Toronto. My father was just hired as the coach of the Toronto Maple Leafs. When I heard the news, I was thrilled. As a little girl, I was in love with hockey. My favourite team growing up was the Senators, seeing as how I was from Ottawa. But, even from the day I was born I was destined to love hockey and become a star.

Two years before I was born, my father got a job as the assistant coach for the Ottawa Senators.

Basically the reason why our lives revolved around hockey.

Though now, it didn't mean as much as it used to. All because of that night.

That night I wish I could've taken back...

"We're moving to Toronto!" My father declared from across the table. I dropped my fork onto my plate. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Though my little brother, on the other hand, was super excited. He began jumping up and down like crazy as I sat there with my mouth wide open.

I was already 17 at the time, only one year away from graduating high school. There was no way I was moving.

Yes, Toronto's in the same province as Ottawa, but I'd much prefer to stay where I belong. Ottawa.

"You've gotta be joking..." I hesitated, hoping he'd crack a smile.

Instead, he shook his head, "We need to be there within the next month!"

I stood up from the table dramatically, throwing my napkin on my plate.

"Screw all of you."

I rushed up to my room, trying to hold back my tears.

There was no way I was about to leave my best friend, Taylor, or my boyfriend, Jake.

I just couldn't do it.

I knew the way I handled it was a little immature, but I just didn't think it was fair.

But who knows? Maybe I'll actually enjoy Toronto...


"Are you packed?" My father yelled to me from the bottom of the stairs.

"Yes, dad." I replied.

Before leaving, I looked around my room.

It was empty.

The room I spent 16 years in, was empty. As I left my room, I took one last look before closing the door.

For the last time.

Slowly making my way down the empty hallway, I trudged down the stairs. Finally reaching the bottom, I looked into each room.


Then, finally, we were gone.

"Are you excited for Toronto?" My mother asked, staring us down in the rearview mirror.

"Hell yeah!" My little brother, Lochlan, chimmed in.


"Couldn't be happier." I lied, forming my hands into fists then quickly relaxing them.

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