Chapter Twenty-Two: In The End

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So, there I was. Stuck between two guys who had feelings for me. One of them I loved back, the other, not so much. 

Except there was no way I could tell him. 

After what he's done for me? Helped me get Jiri back, taken me in when I needed a place to stay. I could never repay him. 

And the way I treated him didn't help, either. 

I acted as if he was some piece of trash blowing in the wind, and I just watched him blow away. He treated me like gold, while I treated him like silver. 

There was no explanation for my selfish behavior. He didn't deserve me leading him on constantly. The whole time, in the back of my mind, I knew something like this was going to happen.

"Jakub, I--" I hesitated, trying my hardest to hold back my tears. "I can't!" I blurted, running past him in a flash. 

I never even looked back to see if he was okay, which I was pretty sure he wasn't.

Once I escaped the building, my heart was pumping. I looked around for a place to run until I noticed Jiri sitting on the curb with a beer in-hand.

"Jiri." I said, barely above a whisper. I sat down next to him and scooted as close as I could.

"Yeah?" He questioned, looking over at me. His green eyes very expectant.

"I love you," I smiled, "But I need time to think."

"I've been in love with you since I first laid eyes on you in Toronto. And the days following that, we got really close. I loved every minute of it. The biggest mistake I'd ever made in my life was leading you and Jake on. At that time, I didn't know what to do. I was an immature sixteen-year-old who never really had a relationship before you and Jake. And honestly, the night you... Left me, I was going to break-up with Jake. I swear. My heart had finally made up it's mind once and for all. I wanted you more than anything. I don't blame you for leaving, but once you were gone, my heart was in shambles." I finished, wiping away the tear that fell onto my face.

"I really had no idea," he paused, "And as much as I didn't want to admit it years ago, I missed you, too."

"And I love you, too."

He took a sip of his beer and sighed, spinning the bottle in his hands and reading the label.

"The only problem is," I started, breaking the silence, "I've made a complete mess of my life. I left collage; never getting my degree, I got kicked out of my dad's house, and I've been leading on both you and Jakub for the past... God knows how long--"

"Wait, you were leading Jakub on? What are you talking about? I thought you two were in... Love."

I could tell that was hard to Jiri to say.

"No, we weren't really dating," I hesitated, sucking in a deep breath, "Jakub and I came up with an idea one day to try to make you jealous, and that was starting a fake relationship."

"Wait, what?" He whispered, clearly trying to make sense of the whole situation. I knew this explanation would cause nothing but confusion for him.

"Please don't make me say it again!" I cried.

"You know, you didn't even have to do that," he chuckled, "I've been in love with you for the last few years. I'd been searching for you. Once a road trip against the Leafs approached, I was planning to get you back. Even ask your dad. Then, when I found out you were with Jakub, and we finally had the chance to come to Philly, I had the chance. And the fight I had with Jakub was just out of anger for taking you from me."

I couldn't hold them back any longer. I began to cry hysterically into my hands. It hurt to breathe, and the sobs cut me like a knife. Jiri wrapped his strong arm around my fragile body and pulled me closer, making me rest my head on his shoulder. 

Being close to him automatically calmed my nerves, and smelling his cologne again made me realize he was the only one I wanted. 

The only one I needed.

Our time alone together was short lived since Jakub had come out of the bar quietly moments later.

"Hey." He said quietly.

Jiri jumped to his feet and backed away from me quickly, refraining from staring the ginger man in the eyes.

"Hi." I smiled weakly, standing up and brushing the gravel off my hands.

"I'm sorry for just springing that on you like that."

"Don't be. It's my fault. I should've never let that relationship go on for so--"

"Shh," he whispered, "Does Jiri know?"

"Yeah, I know." He cut in, stepping in front of me.

"She told me everything. I just want to thank you for putting her best interest in front of yours. If it weren't for you, Jakub, we probably wouldn't even be talking right now. I'm so, so sorry."

He leaned in and gave Jakub a hug, which he returned immediately. They patted each other's backs until Jiri spoke up.

"Oh, and I'm sorry for punching you in the face earlier."

The two broke apart and began to laugh. They even engagged in a short Czech conversation; one in which I could hardly understand.

Although, Jiri did teach me a few words, but I didn't bother eavesdropping.

"It's all good." Jakub said, (in English), as the laughter came to an end. 

He peeked behind Jiri and stared at me. I could tell he was upset.

"And Jiri," he started, "Go see your girl."

"Thanks, Jakub." I smiled.

Suddenly, I found myself in his arms. The ground had disappeared from beneath my feet as I began to spin around. Our noses touched as he gently lowered me back onto the ground, his hot breath running sending chills down my spine.

"I love you so much." He whispered.

"I love you, too."

We embraced one last time before inviting Jakub back inside to have a few drinks with us. I could sense things were still awkward between us, but after a few drinks, he'll loosen up a bit.

And finally, life has returned to the way it was supposed to be in all along...



THERE'S STILL TWO MORE PARTS LEFT. And I just wanted to say I really appreciate the comments and votes I receive, it really inspires me. Thank you all so much!

-Courtie xx

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