Chapter Seventeen: Just a Dream

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I'm not usually one for making my chapters very discriptive, but I tried to add a little more detail into this one for some reason. Also, I apologize for not adding much Jiri in this chapter, (because this is just a filler), but I hope you all are enjoying my story so far! And I promise it will get a lot more interesting as the plot continues! :)


Misty's POV

As I sat there, on a breezy early-spring day, I watched the light rainfall from the window in my living room. It was calming, but at the same time, it was unnerving. 

The sound of the quiet thunder reminded me of my love life; at first it was loud and genuine, then the next minute, it was gone in a heartbeat. 

The memories with Jiri filled my brain as I watched two water droplets have a race down the window. 

The clouds outside were grey, sort of like the way I was feeling on the inside. In an attempt to get my mind off of it, I placed my novel down and headed to the kitchen. 

Looking through the fridge, the only thing I could find was some leftover Chinese food from last night. I wasn't a big fan of chow mien, but I decided it was better than nothing. Opening the microwave door, I place my plate of food inside, setting it for two and a half minutes. 

Sighing, I rest all my weight against the counter, waiting for the microwave to beep. Suddenly, there was a hand placed on my shoulder. I turn around to see myself face-to-face with my dad.

"What the hell?" I chuckled. "I thought you were at practice until 12:30!"

"Yeah, I was," he nodded inanely, motioning to the clock on the stove, "It's 1:30 now."

I felt so stupid, and I could feel my face turn beat red.

Where did the day go?

My dad passed me by with a smirk, opening up the fridge as the microwave began to beep. I rushed over to the microwave and pulled out the plate of steaming hot food. At first touch, I had to pull my hand away immediately. The plate burned the skin on my fingertips. I placed my index finger in my mouth and waved it back and forth until the burn lessened. 

Pulling the plate out of the microwave, I quickly placed it onto the kitchen table before it could burn me any further. 

As I waited for the food to cool, I looking into the fridge once again, this time searching for something to quench my thirst. Finally, my eyes came across a 1L bottle of un-opened Pepsi. I pulled it out of the fridge and took a swig. As the Pepsi slid down my throat, the bubbles burned. 

It was more of a tickle feeling, though. 

The drink gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. Kind of like the way Jiri made me feel whenever he was around.

Goddammit. There I go, thinking of him again. I missed him more than words could describe. 

If I could go back and change what happened in the past, I would. 

I would've dumped Jake the day I'd first seen Jiri. Now that he was gone, I finally realized how much Jiri truly meant to me. Just thinking about it brought on a sudden sadness that I just couldn't explain. It wasn't like any sadness, it was like a part of me was stolen. I was just empty. 

I'd never felt this way before.

If only he would give me the chance to explain it to him...


Hours had passed since the rain had stopped. 

I was really enjoying myself; relaxing to the sound of the light thunder with my book in-hand. 

Though, I knew it would come to an end. Just like everything else in my life. It came to an abrupt, sad ending. 

The only thing keeping me here was my dad and Lochlan. Without them, I would be at an all time low. 

Honestly, I probably wouldn't be here anymore.

"What would you like for supper?" My dad asked.

"Hamburgers are fine." I suggested with a shoulder shrug.

"Alright." He nodded in response.

Quickly, I returned to reading Haunted Canada. Trying desperately, once again, to get Jiri off my mind.

"What do you want on your burger?" My dad asked from the kitchen.

"Just ketchup, pickles and cheese." I replied, not taking my eyes off my book.

There was no response, so I grabbed my headphones off the side table and placed them in my ears, plugging them into the my iPod. I pressed play and prepared for whatever song was going to start playing.

 Thankfully, it was one of my favourites, Celené Dion's Drove all Night

I bobbed my head to the beat before being interrupted moments later by my dad.

"Supper's ready!"

I put my iPod down and stood up, wiping the potato chip crumbs off of my pink blouse. 

As I sat down at our round, light-brown kitchen table situated in the middle off the dinning room, my dad had already placed out burgers in front of our spots.

"Thanks, dad," I smiled, "They smell amazing."

"I hope they taste as good as the smell." He gushed, pulling out the chair across from me.

It was so weird not having Lochlan beside me. This was the first time he'd visited mom since the divorce. 

Personally, I'd vowed not to visit her for awhile, but Lochlan definitely missed her a lot more than I did. Honestly, I didn't consider her my 'mom' anymore. After the way she left us, I wanted nothing to do with her. 

No child should have to go through that BS.

"Are you excited to see your mother again?" My dad asked, trying to spark up conversation.

Great timing, dad.

"Do you want an honest answer?" I replied sarcastically, peaking up from my dish.

"Misty," he said sternly, "She's your--"

"I know, I know," I growled, interrupting him mid-sentence, "She's my mother... By blood. Not at heart. She's done nothing but hurt me, you, and Lochlan. No child deserves that."

He was definitely taken back by my mental implosion, but I really couldn't care less. I couldn't let my feelings go unheard any longer.

"Misty, I-" my dad stopped in his tracks, getting up to envelope me in his strong arms, which made me let it all out. I began to bawl harder than I ever had before. And by the time I was done, his shoulder was soaked.

"My poor baby." He mumbled into my shoulder.

I pulled away and wiped my nose lightly with my sleeve, sniffling in the process.

"Thank you, dad." I choked on those words. It's not that it was hard to say; quite frankly, it was probably the easiest thing I could say, but it was the fact that all the memories and thoughts were flooding back, and I couldn't escape them. 

The tears took my breath away.

"You don't need to thank me." He replied calmly, resting his hands on my shoulders.

"You're right," I nodded, wiping the tears from my eyes, "I should be apologizing. I have been the worst daughter, and you deserve to be treated so much better. Maybe it's for the best that I'm going to stay with mom. We need time apart. I'm sorry for everything I did to you. I'm so, so sorry."

I could tell he was about to cry himself, his chin was trembling like mine. 

But, instead, he stayed strong, which was exactly what I needed in my life right now. A strong, stable relationship with someone close to me.

"I'm so, so sorry." I repeated quietly into his chest.

"For everything."

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