Chapter Six: Dance with the Devil

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Tay, you'll never believe what happened last night!

It took awhile for her to answer, seeing as how it was only 8:32 in the morning. Really, the only reason why I was up was to get ready for practice. Otherwise, I'd still be sleeping, too.

Then, finally, at 8:56, I got a reply.

What happened that was so important that you had to text me at 8:30?

LOL, sorry, Tay. Anyways, last night, Jiri asked me out and I said yes! Isn't this great?!

Sadly, she didn't share my excitement.

Um, I don't mean to rain on your parade, but what about Jake? Have you broken up with him yet?

What he doesn't know, won't hurt him. ;)

After that, I never got another response. She had read it, but had nothing more to say.

I didn't need her approval, anyways.

I mean, sure, she had a point. No one deserves to be cheated on, but I was always the goody-two shoes - and I was definitely never a rebel or anything like that. On top of all of that, I was a straight 'A' student, which made my classmates hate me even more.

For once, I just wanted to do something bad. Little did I know, it would come back to bite me...

Just then, I received a text from Jiri.

Are you still allowed to come to practice today?

Yeah, as long as I'm not alone with any of you guys. I'm under strict supervision.

Well, at least you'll be there. :)

My face began to turn bright red as we continued to talk for another 10 minutes... Until my father put a stop to it.

"Are you ready for practice?" He yelled up the stairs to me, a little more angrily than usual.

I decided not to answer. After all, I didn't really have anything nice to say to him, anyways.

I slipped my phone in my back pocket and flew down the stairs and managed to grab a piece of toast off the counter without a word.

The drive to the arena was quiet; just like any other day... But this quiet was uncomfortable. Sure, I felt bad about disobeying my dad and sneaking off with Jiri tonight, but he has no right to choose who I can and can't date.

Once arriving there, my dad stayed with my the whole time. He never said anything, but he was right by my side the whole time. It felt like I could constantly feel his warm breath hit my neck.

"Am I really this untrustworthy?" I growled.

My dad just looked at me. There was no expression on his face, and I couldn't read his eyes like I usually could, either.

"You tell me."

"Okay, maybe I did break one of your stupid rules," I began, "But is this really necessary? Watching every breath I take?!" I finished, looking innocently into his dark eyes.

He still had a blank expression pasted on his face. I wasn't sure what was going to come out of his mouth next.

"We'll talk about it more at home."

That's it? Are you kidding me?

I just rambled on about this and that while you just say, 'we'll talk about it more at home'?

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