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Hey, guys! I was just wondering if you would want me to write a short sequel to this story or not? I can't promise I will, but it just gives me something to think about. Thanks!


It's been three years.

Three wonderful years with the guy of my dreams.

Every night, we'd just lay in bed, wide awake. After a hard fought game, or after a lazy evening, we would lay next to each other.

Except, of course, for the nights he spent during away games, at random hotels in different cities.

Those were the nights I dreaded.

The silence we shared was one in which I loved. It wasn't awkward; it was perfect.

Though, tonight was different from all the rest...

One of my favourite activities to engage in with him was just lay in an empty North Carolina field and watch the stars glisten between the trees.

Tonight was the best night to do so, simply because it was quiet. The only noises that could be heard was the chilly wind whistling, branches swaying and the light chirping of the crickets woven within the long blades of grass.

Not even any traffic crossing the gravel roads behind us.

"Misty," Jiri started, "I have something I've wanted to ask you for a long time."

My heart began to leap within my chest. I was almost certain it would eventually hop into my throat.

"What is it?" I asked, still staring up at the stars above.

Carefully, he slid his arm from beneath the small of my back and reached into his coat pocket.

By now, I could hear the beat of my heart like a bass drum. Hopefully he couldn't hear it.

He stood up and continued to search through his pocket until he finally retrieved a small, black box.

I reverted my glance to meet his green, glistening eyes. Even in the dark, I still managed to see them shine.

My heart continued to race as I watched him stumble upon his words. His hands shook as he knelt down in front of me.

I stood up quickly, blinking rapidly to make sure it really wasn't a dream.

Am I really awake? Is this really happening?

"Misty," he said, "Beautiful, beautiful Misty. My girl. In the past few years, we've definitely had our ups and downs, but we got through all the obstacles, and fate brought us back together. For good. I love you more than anything, and you are my world. Misty Christeen, will you marry me?"

I covered my mouth with my hands, making sure he couldn't see my jaw drop to the ground.

I was honestly lost for words.

"Jiri." I cried.

After fumbling upon my words for a few moments, I propped myself up onto my knees and placed my hands on his face, pulling him close to me. I pressed my lips to his for a brief moment before letting him go and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I'll take that as a yes." He chuckled, kissing me once more, this time for a lot longer.

"I love you, Mist." He smiled, our lips still brushing against one another's.

"I love you, too."


Jiri's POV

I was completely convinced I was the luckiest guy on the face of the planet.

At first, I had the girl of my dreams, I lose her, then fate brings us back together.

But the past is the past. It needs to be forgotten.

I have my whole future with Misty to look forward to.

"What made you take me back?" She asked, intertwining out fingers.

She must've remembered that dreaded question I asked years back.

Currently, we were back to laying on the cold, autumn grass, her small frame atop my forearm.

I used my thumb to spin her newly-acquired ring around her finger slightly.

"You know, I'll be honest," I shrugged, "I'd always had feelings for you. Ever since we met."

I was just too afraid to admit it, that's all.

"Really?" She cried, resting her head upon my chest.

"Of course." I smiled, placing a kiss on her head.

There really was no way my life could get any better.

Knowing I'll be spending the rest of it with Misty is the best feeling in the world. And this time, nothing - no one - will take her away from me.

My life was finally complete; finally perfect.

I just couldn't help but wonder... What ever happened to that note?

"To You, With Love"

To You, With Love...



There it is. The end of 'To You, With Love'. It wasn't the best, but I really hope you guys enjoyed it. Please feel free to let me know what you think in the comments! It really helps me know what I need to improve upon, and so on and so forth. And don't forget to vote! Thank you all for reading!

-Courtie :) xx

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