Chapter Nineteen: It Goes Without Saying

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I finally arrived in sunny California. All there was to do was wait for my 'mother' to pick me up. 

Though, I did take my dad's advice and try to except her back in my life. But, from where I'm standing right now, she's not making a very good impression. 

I told her to meet me at the airport at 3:00, and right now it's 3:30. My plane arrived a little late, so I've only been sitting here for about 15 minutes. 

You'd think after not seeing your child for almost a year, you'd make a bigger effort to spend as much time with them as you could.

"Misty!" A voice called from across the airport.

I spun around to see myself a mere ten feet from my mom, her boyfriend, Leon, and Lochlan. My heart was telling me to cry, but my eyes just didn't want to waste the tears.

"How's my beautiful girl?" She cried, wrapping me up in a tight hug.

I wrapped my arms around her slightly, patting her back a little. 

It was awkward, but the whole situation was awkward as it is.

"I'm, uh, okay, I guess." I mumbled, pushing myself away from her.

"Uh, how've you guys been?"

"Absolutely great." She cried.

I could tell by the tan that was gracing her skin. Normally, she was pale white. The last time I'd ever seen her that dark was when we went to Mexico when I was thirteen.

"And look," she smiled, holding out her left hand, "We're engaged!"

My body went into shock. 

It's only been eight months, how could someone be engaged to someone they only knew for eight-freaking-months? How could someone actually know a person in eight months?

"Our wedding won't be for a while yet." She cooed, trying to break the silence.

"That's," I hesitated, "Awesome. I'm so happy for you two."

Every breath of that sentence was a lie. I hated Leon. I'd only met him once or twice before, but my first impression of him was arrogant and cocky. 

He also had two daughters - about two years older than me, who attended USC; arguably one of the best collages in the USA. 

Just another reason for Leon to believe he was better than everyone. 

Although I'd never met his daughters, I felt I knew almost everything about them. They're all he'd talk about. 

And they sound pretty arrogant themselves, too.

"Those are real diamonds, too."

Of course, Leon just had to point that out, with a smirk that made me want to puke.

"Great." I growled sarcastically, exaggerating every letter.

Leon just rolled his eyes. What a jerk.

"Can we go home now?" I gritted my teeth, snatching my bags and shooting Leon a dirty look secretly.

"Y-yeah, I guess." My mom stuttered, following behind me.

I was done with everyone's BS. 

If Leon were to breathe another word about how successful his or his daughters' lives have been, I'd explode.


"How was your flight?" My mother asked as I slumped down into the back seat of her Mercedes Benz - which I was pretty sure the divorce payed for.

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