Chapter Fourteen: Not A Day Goes By

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"Philadelphia?" I asked in shock.

"Yeah," he sighed, "I wasn't fond of the idea at first, but she really wanted to go see her boyfriend."

"Jakub?" I frowned.

"I believe that's his name," he replied, stroking his stubbly-looking chin, "Didn't you used to talk about--"

"Yeah," I interrupted, "Yeah, I did."

He dropped the subject immediately.

"Well," he chimed in, "Good luck tonight, Jiri."

"Thanks," I smiled weakly, "You guys, too."

And with that, we parted ways.

I can't believe she'd go all that way for someone she probably doesn't even have feelings for.

I've known her for a lot longer than he has. I should be the one in her presence; I should be the one holding her in my arms.

But I'm not, and I never will be again.

She's got Jakub now. I mean nothing anymore.

When I had the chance, I should've taken her back. She was clearly throwing herself at me, and I was too much of an idiot to realize that she was the best thing that ever happened to me.

I need her in my life...


Once arriving home from one hell of a gruelling practice, I scanned over the schedule multiple times.

"We have to be playing the Flyers eventually." I said to myself quietly.

Currently, I was sitting in only my boxers, on the edge of the couch with a few pieces of paper sprawled on the glass coffee table in front of me.

March 17th.

"Hey, Elias," I called to him in the kitchen, "What day is it today?"

"I think like the 14th." He answered, unsure of his answer.

I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and turned the screen on for a brief moment. He was right, March 14th.

"Hell yeah!" I jumped up with my arms in the air.

Elias ran into the room quickly, checking to see what all the commotion was about.

"What," he shouted, "Did you finally get traded?"

"Ha-ha, very funny," I replied sarcastically, rolling my eyes, "But no, we're headed to Philly tomorrow!"

"And?" He chuckled. "You didn't know that?"

"No, I wasn't really paying attention at practice this morning," I confessed, "But I found out that Misty went to stay with Jakub in Philly, so I finally get to see her!"

Elias didn't look as thrilled as I was. I could see in his eyes that he didn't think it was such a good idea.

"Elias," I started, "I have to. You know how much I love her."

"But this is your best friend." He cautioned. "Don't you care about his feelings, too?"

"Honestly," I started, "I'm not too sure right now."


Misty's POV

"How was the game?" I asked as I heard the front door fly open.

I was too busy playing Candy Crush on my iPad to turn around. From the corner of my eye, I watched as he placed his hockey bag in the corner near the door.

"It was okay." He replied, leaning over the couch and wrapping his arms around my neck.

"Nothing special." He shrugged, placing a kiss on my head.

"It was a great idea for me to come to Philly and stay with you, Jake," I smiled, "Jiri will be so surprised and jealous when he sees me behind the bench."

"Yeah, Jiri will be so jealous." He sighed, letting his voice trail off.

"I still have no idea how you managed to get me behind the bench." I giggled, placing my iPad down and patting the spot next to me on the couch.

"Me neither." He sighed again, shrugging his shoulders and joining me on the couch.

The leather was cold and smooth, it felt amazing on the exposed skin that was not covered by my short-shorts.

"Hey," I shrieked, trying to lighten the mood, "I beat your record in Candy Crush!"

"Good for you," he laughed softly, "I'm gonna go to bed."

"Have a good night, Mist."

That was an abrupt end to a dull conversation. Sure, it was tense and awkward, but he'd just gotten home. I wanted to talk with him a bit more.

But, instead of objecting, I let him head off to bed.

I cuddled into the warm blanket atop me and placed the iPad back onto my lap and opened my Camera Roll.

The room was mainly dark; the only light was brought on by candles and the light from the iPad's screen.

My eyes grew heavy as I rested my head against the back of the couch, and suddenly, I was out.


Jakub's POV

I was awoken by a sudden movement on the bed. I sat up in a flash and held my chest.

It was Misty. She had flung herself onto the bed.

"Good morning, Jake." She smiled warmly, showing off her glistening, white teeth.

"Coffee's ready."

I yawned and slowly pulled off the covers, following behind her slowly until we reached the kitchen.

The strong smell of coffee filled my nose.

"You know you didn't have to make me coffee," I chuckled, "I'm quite capable myself."

"I know, I know," she cried, shrugging it off, "Just shut up and sit!"

I pulled the chair back slowly and sat down. She had placed a steaming mug of coffee in front of my face.

"Thanks." I muttered, still a little groggy.

"My pleasure."

Breakfast was quiet. She sat across from me the whole time, but never said a word. It was peaceful, but the silence was nothing compared to her beautiful voice.

As I read the newspaper, I couldn't help but peak up at her. Her short, light blonde hair, framing her beautiful, bright face.

She looked perfect.

The mornings with her were basically the same everyday. She'd be up way before me, drinking coffee and playing Candy Crush.

"Hey, look," she cried, "Has this ever happened to you?"

She peered backwards at me as I placed my mug in the dishwasher behind her. I stood up and watched over her shoulder as she pointed and explained what had happened.

This is what I longed for; a relationship with a girl like Misty.


As I laid on the couch that night - since I'd given Misty my bed - I thought back to earlier that evening. How friendly she'd became with me.

It was almost as if she was... Flirting with me.

Though, that was stupid of me to assume considering all she'd talk about was Jiri. But, something was telling me I had a chance.

The scariest thing of all was that I was slowly, but surely, falling for Misty.

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