Chapter Five: Secret Lover

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What a stupid Goddamn rule. No one can stop me from dating anyone.. It's my choice who I go out with. Not my father's.

Let's just say, for the rest of the night, I was pretty pissed.

Then, my angry thoughts were interrupted by my mother's sweet voice.

"Supper's ready, dear."

After mentioning food, I started to smell the beautiful aroma of my mother's signature meatloaf. I rushed downstairs and sat down at the table as quickly as I could.

"It's so peaceful without your father and brother around, huh?" My mother asked me as she passed me my plate and joined me at the table.

Now that I think of it, that should've been a clue that my mother was unhappy with where she was.

"It is a little quieter without them around, I guess." I replied, confused, furrowing my eyebrows.

"So, how was your day at school?" She asked, clearly trying to change the subject.

"Fine." I said without showing any emotion. I shovelled a forkful of meatloaf in my mouth before my mother spoke again.

"How's Tay and Jake doing?"

I stared at her, confused. She's never asked me about my friends, let alone my boyfriend.

"They're okay," I smiled, "why do you ask?"

"No reason." she answered quickly. I squinted my eyes at her before taking my last forkful of meatloaf.

"Want me to take your plate to the kitchen?" I asked, trying to make the conversation a little less awkward.

"That would be great, thanks sweetie."

As I placed the plates in the sink, I felt my thigh vibrate. I pulled out my phone to see a text from Jiri on the screen.

Honestly, I didn't remember giving him my number, but I texted him back, anyways.

Me: Hey, Jiri.

Jiri: How are you?

Me: I'm good. How are you?

Jiri: Good.

Me: I have a question to ask you...
How'd you get my number?

Jiri: Your dad gave it to us in case of emergency.

He even texted with broken English. It was super adorable.

Me: Fair enough.

Jiri: Are you coming to anymore practices?

My heart fluttered after reading this particular text. Does this mean he actually wants me there?

Me: I can come tomorrow and Thursday.

Jiri: Good. I'll see you then. Bye, Misty.

Me: Bye, Jiri.

And with that, I shut my phone off and placed it in my back pocket. I guess I'm going to the next couple practices. I laughed at myself for a moment before starting the dishes.

"Hey, sweetie." My dad walked through the door, giving me a kiss on the forehead. He was followed by my annoying little brother Lochlan, who walked by me, mocking our father.

"It was meatloaf night and I missed it?" Lochlan shouted as he peered in the fridge and noticed the container of left over supper.

"Ha-ha, sucks to be you, Loch." I teased, drying a plate. He just gave me a death glare before heading to bed unannounced. He was quite spontaneous.

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