Chapter Twenty: Bittersweet Memories

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-Three Years Later-

"Happy 19th birthday, Mist!" My mother and father said in unison.

Luckily, my birthday fell on a week where my father was on a California road trip with the Leafs. 

It was perfect.

Things had finally settled in the household. It took a while - almost the whole vacation, but we managed to learn to get along. I apologized to Leon and my mother, while they did the same to me. 

I gave them my blessing to get married, too. And since then, I'd visited regularly.

"Thank you guys." I gushed, biting my lip.

"Here's your present." Leon smiled, handing me a box wrapped in silver wrapping paper.

"I really hope you guys didn't spend too much." I moaned, looking at the other three adults surrounding me.

"Just open it!" My mom cooed, nodding her head towards the box in front of me.

Slowly, I began to rip off the wrapping paper until I finally reached the box beneath. 

I looked around the room at everyone staring at me with eager eyes. On my immediate left was the now sixteen-year-old Lochlan, and beside him was my father. 

Then, on my right were Leon and my mom, their fingers intertwined. 

I honestly always felt awkward for my father when he'd be around them. Him still being single, while his ex-wife is engaged. That can get awkward at times. 

I always told him to wait to visit me until I got back to Toronto, but he insisted, saying the team was on a road trip, anyways.

As I tore into the box, I unfolded all four flaps. I was surprised to see what was folded in the box. 

It was a Milan Michalek Senators jersey. That was something I'd wanted for as long as I could remember. I pulled it out of the box and stared directly into the eye on the Senators' logo.

"I can't believe it," I gasped, "Thank you all so much!"

"Try it on!" My mother demanded.

I threw it over my head. It fit perfectly, my curves slightly accentuated. 

Then made my way around the table, giving hugs to everyone.

"Thank you, boy." I whispered to Lochlan, as I rested my head on his broad shoulders.

"Don't thank me," he replied, "I was only able to chip in like twenty bucks."

I couldn't help but laugh. He was such a jokester.

Then, I made my way over to my father.

"Daddy," I cried, sitting on his lap, "Thank you." I giggled, standing up and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"My pleasure, sweetheart."

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

Finally, it was time to venture halfway around the table to thank the lovebirds.

"Thanks mom," I gushed, "It means a lot."

I wasn't one for anything emotional or sappy, but today was different. 

Having the family back together again meant so much to me. I wouldn't want it any other way.


As the night carried on, we just enjoyed each other's company and sat around the table. We enjoyed a wonderful meal prepared by Leon, told stories, and shared some laughs.

Being a nineteen-year-old girl, of course I enjoyed to drink. 

But only on occasion. 

Since we were in the USA, the drinking age was technically 21, but my Canadian parents made an exception. Plus, how many American parents hold back their children from drinking at home once they've turned 18? 

So, my dad brought me a cooler. One of my favourites. 

As for Lochlan, he was allowed to drink a bit, but decided not to tonight. And my parents just stuck with the generic beers.

"So, how'd you enjoy your birthday so far?" Lochlan asked, which caused eight expectant eyes to watch me like a hawk.

"Absolutely perfect," I hesitated, "I just wish he could've been here, too."

"We know, Mist," my mother replied with a calm voice, "We know."

Why did he have to be sent back to the Marlies again? If he was still playing with the Leafs, he would be here in Cali, then I would have the chance to talk to him again...


It was 1:34 in the morning, and I was finally ready to pack it in for the night. 

After saying my good nights to my loved ones, I scurried upstairs to get into my pyjamas and get washed up. 

By the time I was completely ready to sleep, it was 2:15.

I tucked myself under the quilt my mother had spent three months sewing for me. It was definitely the warmest and heaviest blanket I'd ever had.

Once I was comfortable, I flicked on the TV. Honestly, I wasn't really tired, I just wanted to be alone for a bit. I needed time to think.

As I flicked through the channels, my eyes set on TSN. SportsCentre was on. 

Since this was the USA, I was pleasantly surprised to see it. 

But something caught my eye. I returned to the channel and watched intently.

"He'll be a key competitor for the Albany organization." One panelist said.

"He's exactly what they need." Another added.

Then, the screen flashed to a highlight of Jiri's from the Marlies. Just as he was about to take a shot on the net, a text box showed up on the bottom of the TV. 

My heart stopped and my chin almost hit the floor. I couldn't believe what I'd just read.

Marlies trade Tlusty to Albany for Paradis.

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