Chapter Eleven: Let Me Save You

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Misty's POV

Am I the worst person in the world?

I think I am.

I've hurt the man that means so much to me. I don't think he could ever forgive me now.

I sure as hell wouldn't forgive me, either.

First, I cheat on him, then I go have a fake relationship with one of his best friends?

I'm a terrible, terrible person.

"Misty," a voice whispered, "Misty!"

The voice got louder and louder until I finally realized what was going on.

"What the hell is wrong with you today?" My father asked from across the table. I simply shrugged my shoulders and played with my soup.

"There's clearly something wrong, Mist," he observed, "I've known you for twenty-three years. I can tell when my daughter's upset about something."

"You can tell your father anything."

"Dad," I started, "I really don't want to talk about it."

"Misty, tell me." He insisted.

"No," I retorted, storming off to my room, "Leave me alone!"

My voice became high-pitched, and I could feel my throat closing slowly. There was no doubt I was about to just break down and cry.

I fell onto my bed and laid on my stomach, burying my face into the pillow and crying. Luckily, it was muffled so my dad wouldn't hear me.

But, sure enough, moments later, he was knocking at my door.

"Let me in, Mist." He pleaded.

I just ignored him. Besides, I just wanted to be alone.

Although, it really wasn't him that upset me. I was already like that; a bomb on the verge of exploding.

Suddenly, the doorknob turned and the door flung open, and in came my dad with a whole key ring full of keys.

"You do know I have a key to every door, right?" He chuckled.

I stared at him with my red, puffy eyes before sticking my face back into my pillow.

"Please tell me what's wrong."

He came to sit at the edge of my bed. As I continued to lay there in silence, he began to rub my back.

It made me want to cry even more knowing someone actually cared.

Eventually, I gave in and sat up. I wrapped my arms around my father and placed my head onto his chest, tears spilling from my eyes.

"Does it have anything to do with you talking to Jiri's best friend earlier?"

I wiped away the tears from my eyes and sniffled in an attempt to collect myself.

"How did you--"

"How did I know?" He smirked, "I saw you with him. I also knew Ondrej was one of his best friends because back when he played for Toronto, he'd tell me all about Ondrej, Michael, and I think a fellow named Jakub..."

"Don't," I stopped him, my voice trailing off in the process.

"Don't what?" He asked, confused.

"Don't mention Jakub, please."

My dad seemed to still be thoroughly confused, so I walked him through Jakub's 'genius' plan. He obviously wasn't too happy with my choice to go along with it, but he also knew how much I wanted Jiri back in my life.

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