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So, first off, I want to tell you how happy I am to be releasing this second book. I've been working on it for a while and even though it's not finished yet, it's close to being so. 

First of all, if you're new here, I recommend you read the first book so you can pick up on the story. For those of you who came from "The Little Pup", I'm very glad you're here and I hope you enjoy this book as much (or even more) as you enjoyed the first one.

So, just to start off easy. I think that for those of you who have been here since #dayone, there must be things you didn't pick up or just that you don't remember from the first book that may influence your prospects on this one. I published a chapter all about some characters that were mentioned during the first book that were cut off from the TV show, but well, I think that it wouldn't hurt if I just cleared things up.

{Q U E S T I O N S  A N D  C O N T E X T}


I think that the only character I actually sort of introduced in "The Little Pup" who was not in the TV show was Willas Tyrell, who is the heir to House Tyrell in the books. 

When I first wrote "The Little Pup", my idea was to make Loras Tyrell the heir to Highgarden and Lilia's betrothed (I confess I even wrote a kissing scene between them). However, I decided to change that as I was writing this book.

For this book, I wrote a whole plot only to change it drastically. The outcome of that decision lead me to introduce characters that appear in the books (some of them are major characters and, in my opinion, very interesting ones), and when I came across the chapter where Loras goes up against the Mountain, I realized I should make House Tyrell the justice that they didn't get to have during the 6th season. So, I spent more than an hour, debating whether I should or should not include or just mention the members of House Tyrell, which I ended up doing as you could see.

I decided to mention Allerie Hightower, Mace Tyrell's wife, and their four children: Willas aka the heir, Garlan aka the knight in shining armour, Margaery and Loras, whom we already knew.

In this book, you'll get to see even more characters that were not shown in the series but who I love dearly and who will play an imporant role in Lilia's growth as a character.


I don't believe anyone asked me who she was but she's a mistery for the readers (and to me as well, might I add). During this book we'll get to know more about this original character whom I have created when I was writing Jaime's point of view on Lilia. 

What I can tell you was that she was the eldest sister to Jaime, Cersei and Tyrion and that she loved her family very much, just as much as they loved her. However, she faced a terrible fate, perhaps even more terrible than Lyanna's or even Elia's. You'll get to know more about her later on (perhaps I'll do a book on her, who knows).


I follow both the books and the TV show. Nevertheless, in this book you'll notice that I ran a little from the show's line (and also the books'). The reason why I follow both of them is because I think that some things were well-done in the series but others that I prefer on the books, so I decided to combine both. 

In this second book, I'm going to put Lilia somewhere where I think she would actually develop and where I could make an independent storyline, without stealing away Sansa's but also without making it seem that her storyline is around Sansa's, since it's not the truth whatsoever.

I believe you'll love the changes but, once this book is over, I'll make a chapter explaining a few things that most of you might not catch on or maybe that you'll not accept gladly.


When we start the first book, we find a Lilia whose only priority and goal is to become a Lady, much like her sister and her mother. She lives her life wishing and praying that she could travel around the world and being able to always come home. 

In the first chapter, we also realize that although she looks up to her mother and had her sister as her best friend, she doesn't like the way they treat Jon. We get to see that she argues with her mother about it and that she says that if some sort of tragedy hit the Starks, then it would be Catelyn's fault (foreshadowing cof cof). She takes Jon as another one of her best friends, along with Robb, since they were a trio.

As we go through the book, we realize that Lilia has the wolf blood, which Ned acknowledges often when he says that his daughter looked just like his sister and that she resembled her not only in appearance but also in spirit (take the dagger incident with Jaime Lannister as an example). 

When we reach the end, Lilia is at a place where she feels stupid and betrayed, especially by her sister, Sansa. She realizes she is a lone wolf and that her family had crashed and was ruined, just as she had always feared in her worst nightmares.

In this book, we'll see a Lilia even more determined to fight. She knows that in the Capitol they are all liars and that she can't trust anyone for her own sake. She learns to lie and she slowly ignores all the education her father gave her, not ever forgetting his memory.

If in the first book one can see the fire in Lilia and how she's all about honour and family, in this book, we get to see a Lilia that becomes a survivor and who fights her way out of all the tragedy life brought her. There are many ups and downs, but I think that this book brings nothing but growth to Lilia's character and I hope you enjoy the final result as much as I enjoyed it.

{P L A Y L I S T}

Take Control by Kodaline

You are a Memory by Message to Bears

Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift ft The Civil Wars

Gentle Mother by Karliene

Give me Love by Ed Sheeran

Pieces by RED

Porcelain by Mariana's Trench

The Little WolfTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang