Hanging On To Life

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When we arrived at the hospital, the doctors were rushing all three of us into rooms. Except me, they were putting me in a different room. "No! I need to see them! Let me go! Bring me to them!" I tried escaoing them. "Girl, you know your leg is bleeding like crazy, right? We can't let you go over there without your leg fixed. "No! I'm fine! I need to go in there!" They let go and I sat to listen. Also, I wasn't fine. My leg was bleeding like crazy and if I can't hold it back and I cry, people would be able to hear me from China."Okay, but don't be falling everywhere, and come back as soon as possible. And if anyone asks, I tried to stop you." I nodded and limped out of the room and into the hallway. I looked around trying to detect which room they were in. I finally found it, room 303.

Both of them looked terrible. They were covered with bruises and scratches. Adam was being watched closely because his heart rate moniter was slow and low, which means his heart is sucking at its job right now. "Adam!" I ran over to Adam and held his arm. "Adam?" The doctors were trying to give him medcine and shots, but it was useless. Next thing I knew, I heard a long beep. "Holy crap, Adam! No, my god, Adam!" I started crying again. "Adam!"

They got out those two weird panels and started shocking him. They were shocking him every three seconds. Nothing happened, besides his beat up body flopping up and down everytime he got shocked. "Adam, no! D-don't die on m-me!" I collapsed to the floor with my hands trying to wipe away my endless stream of tears. When I got up, they were putting a blanket over his head. "No! No! This c-can't be hap-pening! It's a dream!" I couldn't take anymore. My life is dead. "Adam! I love you! So does Maddie! Adam!" I knew he couldn't hear me. "I love you Adam." I said to myself as they rolled him out of the room.

"We can save the baby." Said a doctor with long brown hair. "We have to try to deliver it." The other doctor with short, gray, scruffy hair started talking. "How? She's almost, dead."

"I know, I know, but we have to deliver it, she'll die if we do a C-section." "Well we have to make it quick, in the car she was in the crash in, she was already at 7 dm., now she's at 11 dm. It has to happen now."

I stared at the wall hugging my legs. I totally forgot about the baby. I hope it's not dead. The two doctors nicely escorted me back to my room. When I was given to my doctors, I tried to fight my way out, but I was no match to two 30 or 40 year olds. They did x-rays on me, I had a deep cut and a broken leg, awesome. I was told the procedure of surgery, they'll do surgery tonight at 8:00. They said no visitors allowed, poor mom.

~3 Hours Later~ I finished my hospital lunch trying to hold in the pain. Tears have been running down my face all day, my pain, Adam, Maddie, the baby. They decided they would do the delivery during lunch because they would just give her an IV. I snuck out after my lunch, because Maddie had a later lunch than me.

Maddie was still unconsious, but with the doctor's super futeristic gadgets, they're able to have her deliver unconsious. I limped outta my room into Maddie's. They were doctors doing paper work on clipboards in her room. I limped in when they left. I went over to Maddie.

I kissed her forehead. She was so big now, it looked like a balloon that was about to pop. But, she still looked as the pretty self I've always wanted to look like. I was sitting by her for about five minutes watching the channel the doctors left on, until I heard mens' voices. I quickly skitted out of the room as I saw five doctors with gloves walk in, it's baby time.

I watched through the medium window. No one was in the room I was in, there was apparently a room outside of the door so, oh well. I saw them put her in the correct position, body kind of straight and legs spread out.

They put a pillow under her head and hooked her up to a moniter. They got thier things on a table next to them and then they took off her pants and underwear. They spread out a blue plastic-like sheet over her legs and got her ready to have the baby.

The doctors instructed other doctors to do the procedure."One, two, three, push!" They helped unconsious Maddie push. "Okay, I think it's working. One. Two. Three. Push!" They helped Maddie push. because I was watching from the window, it wasn't..pretty.

They made her do it about two more times until they could see the head of the baby. I couldn't see very well but I heard them say it. About another two more pushes, half the baby's body was out. Finally after three more pushes, it was completely out. I didn't hear crying, so I was scared. What if it died? I, once again, couldn't tell. I heard a doctor start talking. "It's a girl!" Said the doctor, still worried she didn't survive.

They immediatley rushed the baby out of the room and I ran around the corner, peeking at them. They rushed her to another room and started running tests. I then snuck to that room too. After about ten minutes of testing, the two doctors rushed her back to the original room to the other three doctors. "She's alive, but I don't know if she'll survive the night." Everything inside of me broke into a million peices. Not the baby, too!

They put the baby in a special ER room and they immediatley put Maddie into surgery. I think I heard them over say it was to fix her heart. I waited outside the door, it was already 7:00 pm. One hour until my surgery. I waited and was alerted when I heard shouting coming from the room. It was 7:45 now.

"No! How did this happen!" "It wasn't me!" "Oh really? Then how do explain this?! A tear in her right kidney!" "I swear! I only was trying to help take out the heart!" Then I heard some messing around with tools. "Oh god she's dying on us, we have to get the other heart in quick!" "It's not working!" "Guys, what's going on?!" "I don't know maybe it's the condition she's in!" I heard some shuffling around. "Oh crap, her lungs." Oh my god, this can't be happening.

"What are we supposed to do! I don't know i'll try-" I heard a loud long beep, like Adam's. No! No! Ahhh! Why does this have to happen! I burst into tears as I ignored the fighting from inside. I sat there as I heard them trying to shock her. They exploded out of the room, there was a blanket over her head. "Maddie! No! No! No! It can't be like this! No Maddie! Noo! Maddie! Wake up! Wake up! You can't give up!" All the color from her face was drained as I revealed her face. Her skin was pale, her eyes were closed, her hands were freezing, and her lips were purple. "No no no no! Maddie! Please! Noo! Please! Maddie! You're all I have, you're my everything! You're killing me! I can't live without you!" I fell to the side of her wheelie bed and got back up. "Maddie!"

"Let go of me! Maddie!" My doctors got ahold of me, it was time for surgery. Dangit. "Let go of me! Maddie! Maddie! No. M-Maddie! Please!" I crushed the doctor's foot with mine and ran towards Maddie. "Ah! My foot!" I clung to Maddie's frozen arm. I couldn't believe it. My sister..died. Everything inside, just, fell apart. I was outraged, and depressed. I let out a scream of both. "Noo! Madd-die! No! No! Mad-" I felt a sharp pain in my upper arm. It then came out.

It felt like I was floating. My eyelids grew sleepier and heavier. I turned around and saw the doctor with a shot. He gave me a sleeping shot. "Maddie." I whispered, then I shouted. "I love you Maddie! I love you! Goodbye!" The doctor caught me in his arms. Then my eyelids were forced shut, and I fell asleep for surgery.

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