School~Part 2~

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Ellie's POV

I see other kids crowded around me as Grace rushes to my side. She shakes me and I lay still in pain. My head feels swollen and I can taste the coppery taste of blood from my nose. Grace puts an arm under my back and she lifts me up off the ground. I walk slowly with her as she struggles to pull me through the hallway. I feel like passing out. She knocks on the door of the nurses office and the nurse opens up with a curious expression. "Oh my. What happened to Ellie?" Asked Nurse Zany bringing me to a bed. "Some dumb jocks were messing with her because she accidentally spilled water on Garret Humphrey. She tried to shoo them off and that made them mad and someone's head got slammed into a locker."

My eyesight worsens when tears rise. I let a tear stream down my face as I see Nurse Zany's horrified look. She puts on plastic gloves and Grace sits in a chair. She puts a curtain around my bed and she looks at my nose and my head. After thirty minutes, she figures out what's up. "Okay, Grace you can come now." Grace opens the curtain and walks next to my bed. "Your head has been badly bruised and-" She gets interuppted by my friends. "Oh my god Ellie! When we got out of class, we came here right away!" Said Kayci fanning her eyes like if she was crying. "Who did this to you?" Asks Christie running next to Grace.

"Hret Uhfree" I try to say realizing one of my teeth is broken. "Garret Humphrey." Says Grace telling them in a language they'll understand. Ashley runs in and comes to the side of my bed. "Are you okay?! Someone call an ambulance!" She said looking at me. Avery comes over. "Yeah you look bad. Okay! Garret is dying in his sleep toni-" Avery gets interuppted by Nurse Zany. "There's no need for violence. Garret and those jocks will be badly punished. As for Ellie, i'm sorry. But your nose is broken and you have a broken tooth. Do you have anyone to drive you to the hospital?" I nod no. I see my friends horrified and sympathetic faces. Then I remembered Grace got her liscense yesterday.

"Wait! I can! I got my liscense yesterday and I know where the hospital is!" All my friends start jumping up and down asking, "Can I come?! Can I come?!" all at the same time. "Sorry girls, you guys need to get to class, i'll excuse you Grace to stay with her, but you know you'll have alot of makeup work to do." Says Nurse Zany looking at us all. "Yes ma'am" Says Grace putting her hand to her forehead like a soldier saluting. 

Grace helps me to her new crystal blue chevy and I buckle up. "My Dad got it for me yesterday." She says starting it up with her hot pink keys. She drove to the hospital and she helped me walk in. A nurse took me to a room and she fixed up my nose with another nurse. It has a bandage around it and something to hold it in place. They also put a big bandage on my forehead.

When I got back to school, I heard the news that Garret and his friends got suspended for two days. 

Two days later

Ashley's POV

I was walking to class when Garret and his friends tripped me and I landed on my stomach. "Lookie here. One of Ellie's soldiers." I sat up rubbing my side. "Soldier?" I asked. "Yeah. Oh wait. You don't know about the war don't ya?" I nodded no. "There's a war, Ellie and her friends, and me and my friends. And your on her side. And between classes will be a perfect time to strike." Now i'm scared. I stood up and started walking away but Garret ran ahead of me and stuck his arm out infront of me and it caused me to fall. "Ellie got us suspended. Now it's time for revenge. And yes, it was that bad. We had to go to miltary school!" He yelled.

Classes were is session so the halls were empty. I stood up again but Garret pushed me into a bottom locker. I hit my head and say ow. "And we picked you'd be best for revenge." Crap, the cameras are down. His friends came out of closets and his friend Rocky, was holding a rope.

They tied me up hands and feet together. They put tape over my mouth. I started screaming but no one heard me. They left the school and put me in the back of a car. The trunk was low roofed so I kept bumping my head. They drove to Ellie's empty house and carried me to her backyard. They picked the door lock of the backyard. I started screaming more. They threw me on the grass and I landed hard on my back. It hurt like hell.

They started cutting deep into my arms and face and they threw white rose petals in the pool. When they finished throwing the petals, I was covered in blood. They threw me in the pool. I couldn't swim being tied up. I squirmed around trying to float. I slowly started sinking. I saw my blood dye the pool red and eventually I got underwater. I was choking on the water and blood mix. I tried to untie the ties. But it was too late. That was my last breath.

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