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 Aiden's party was a blast! I hung out with my hospital friends (the ones that were able to leave the hospital) while Jason was playing with Aiden and other youngsters. I obviously couldn't swim but like three of my friends could. Two with cancer, and one with a fake shoulder. Carrie, the one with the fake shoulder, just was released from the hospital. She had surgery

Anyways, the party was awesome. My friends asked me if they wanted to take me to the club but I told them I was good. I need a break to spend time with my family in the state we're in right now. They understood and they apologized for asking, but I told them it was okay. I glance down at my arms wrapping around Aiden. " Ellie! Can I ask you something? Come quick cuz I gotta go somewhere!"

I stood up and walked swiftly to my mom's room while I was cradeling Aiden. She was messing with her hands looking confused. I smiled and opened Mom's bedroom door. "Yeah?" She was fixing her left earring. " Because Aiden is already one month old, I decided it would be nice to maybe put her in a playgroup!" I didn't know what to say. I didn't object, but I didn't know where she was going with this. I just basically nodded at her.

" Most kids go to pre-school or kindergarten with no friends. So it would be a cool oppurtunity to start! I put both your brother and your sister and you in a playgroup, and you guys ended up with a boat full of friends! So? Whatdya think?" I thought it was a nice plan too. "I like it. So, when does it start?" She smiled at me with a goofy smile. "Five minutes."

"Five minutes?!" She nodded. "Yeah, you didn't have a choice. Even if you didn't like the idea, well, too bad! Now we have to get going because it starts fairly soon! But don't worry, the place is close. Oh yeah, you're watching Aiden at the playgroup. I'm going to an appointment with Doctor Baker."

I stared at her shocked and confused and kinda angry and just..what?! I  "But but, meh, what?!" I looked at my clothes. I had to get changed. "Here, take Aiden, I gotta change." I gave her Aiden and I ran to my room. I put on a striped blue and white shirt, black jeans, winter boots, and a brown sweater. I ran back to Mom's room and took back Aiden.

We got into the car and started it up. Mom backed out of the driveway and drove off. Aiden was picking at the straps on her car seat. Mom stopped about two blocks down to a cute two-story house. It was yellow and brown and had a nice little flower garden. It had flower strips at the windows. Mom stopped the car as I unbuckled. We got out and I was holding Aiden. We walked to the beige front door. I heard some laughing and clapping and baby-talk. Mom knocked on the door and a woman maybe in her early-thirties answered. 

She was normal size. She had almond shaped brown eyes. She smiled at us. She had light skin, curly brown hair that was tied back with a purple-pufffy scrunchie. She was wearing a pink and white plaid-like shirt. She wore knee-cut blue jeans and brown loafers.

"Mrs. Flaire, right?" She asked looking at Mom. "Yes! Hello, my name is Shaleigh!" Said Mom shaking the lady's hand. "Yes! I'm May! And this is Aiden, right?" The lady had a nice voice. "Yes it is Aiden! Oh! And this is Ellie, her older sister. She's going to be here for playgroup!" I nodded and smiled as I shook her hand. "Hello." "Hello Ellie! Why don't you come on in!" I smiled and said thank you and I walked in. 

"Okay, I have to make an appointment so i'll be back around 4:30." She explained Maddie to May and how Aiden is really my neise. Mom told me goodbye and I waved back. I walked into the living room. There was play pens and toys and couches and strollers and little play houses and, everything. I sat down at a two seat couch by myself. 

I looked at the other kids. They all looked way older than Aiden. The oldest was probably Nina, she was one. There was maybe one or to close to Aiden's age. She can kind of drag herself across the floor. She's trying to learn how to walk. I set her down and she sat up. She looked around. All the parents looked like adults. Some of them looked at me and then looked away. I hope they know i'm the sister.

About two minutes later, the doorbell rang. A girl with long, straight brown hair walked in. She had pretty chestnut eyes. She was wearing a pink shirt and a blue hoodie. She was holding a baby with light skin too, and blue eyes with light brown hair too. The girl sat next to me. She set down the baby she was holding too. The baby and Aiden started looking at eachother and then they started laughing. 

They were playing with two stuffed animals while saying "Ma!" and "Ba!" The girl looked at me. "Looks like Sydney made a new friend." I smiled at her. "Yeah, something nice." She looked down then looked back at me. "Hi, my name is Penelope. That's my little sister, Sydney. She's a month old." I smiled back and shook her hand. "Hi, i'm Ellie. That's my neise, Aiden. She's a month old too. How old are you?"

" I'm 13, how old are you?" Cool, she's 13. "I'm 13 too. What school do you go to?" She smiled bigger. "I just moved here from Washington. But when break is over, i'm going to Johnson Middle School." I smiled bigger too. "Omg! That's where I go! I hope we have the same classes! I can show you around on your first day." 

We talked about school and I told her about Maddie and Adam and Aiden. She said she was sorry for me, but I said it's okay now. We ended up having lots of things in common. We might have a playdate if our mom's say yes. But, our parents need to meet.

Mom knocked on the door to pick me up. "Bye Penelope, bye Sydney." "Bye Ellie, by Aiden." I picked up Aiden. She was having a good time with Sydney. She kinda whined to go. But she was okay. I asked Mom for a playdate and she said it was okay as long as it was okay with Penelope's mom. "Yessss, thanks mom." We called up Penelope's mom and she said it's great and that Penelope has to go home with us cuz her mom had an emergency meeting at work. We were like, yeessss.

We drove home chatting about stuff. We were talking about theatre at school when Penelope's phone rang. "Hello?" She listened to the voice at the other end. "Okay. We'll be there soon, bye."

She hung up. "Who's that." "It's my brother, Chance. Do you think your mom can pick him up from Landry Highschool? He was hanging out with his friends there." My mom swereved and said yeah and drove there. We pulled up to a group of boys.

A boy with pale skin and black hair got in. He looked familiar, but I don't remember from where. He got on his phone and started playing fruit ninja with the sound off. Mom had a look on her face that she recongnized him to. When we got home, mom rang the door bell. Jason answered.

Jason opened the door then looked straight at Chance. "No way." He looked paler than ever. He was so shocked. "Bro, this is unreal." Said Chance looking as shocked as Jason. Mom looked at both of them. She knew what was going on afterwards. "Oh my gosh, is it really you Chance?!" Whhhaaaat?! "Bro, no freakin way! Chance! Oh my god!" Jason ran over to Chance and gave him the biggest hug ever. I totally forgot! Chance is Jason's long lost friend!

Forever Young (sequel to Safe and Sound)Where stories live. Discover now