School~Part 1

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What you're going to see.

Ellie weeps in the corner holding something in her hand

Ashley gets pushed down by a jock

Christie throws a punch at a kid

Avery yells at Grace

Penelope runs from some boys outside the football field.

Kayci stands in the hallway, with a gun.

Part one. School

Ellie's Point Of View

I laugh as I walk in the school building with all my friends. We tell hilarious jokes. I flip my hair as I see a couple of boys eyeing me. I wear a crop top with a pink undershirt., booty shorts, and Guess tenns shoes. I have a bunch of bracelets on and an ankle bracelet. We walk to our lockers that aren't far from eachother and we start talking about our classes. Then I spot Penelope. She walks down to us with a very stylish outfit too. This is going to be great. I tell her everything and help her out. I think she knows what she's doing. My first class is algebra, good.

When I walk into class, I notice that the teacher isn't there, a bunch of boys are flirting with girls, and that no one is ready for class whatsoever. I sit down at the middle row, second desk, and I put my under armour backpack laying against the desk leg next to me. I pull out a notebook, two penicls, and an eraser and I set my water bottle at the corner of my desk. Then I see my teacher, Mr. Bates walk in.

Everyone rushes into a seat pretending that they were just sitiing there with nervous expressions on their faces. "Because it's the first week, i'm going to let that one slide." Said Mr.Bates nodding his head down at Garret, a jock who was practiaclly yelling. Garret put is head down and I smirked. "Okay! Hello, i'm Mr. Bates and I want to make sure this is your best year of school ever!" Says Mr.Bates with a huge smile. I think to myself, it's probably not going to be the best year, I mean, it's algebra, right?

"Okay, everybody pull out your blue notebooks, we;re going to review things you most likely were taught last year. We're also write notes about the algebra we're learning today." I lean down and grab my notebook. He reviews everything we know then he writes down notes about new math to copy so we can look at them as referance when we do things like projects or homework. I get out my mechanical pencil that looks like a pen and I start writing on the first page of my notebook. 

Class went by really fast and all the new algebra didn't seem hard whatsoever and it seemed really easy. My hand was up 99% of the time and every time I got called on, he would say something like "excellent answer!" or "magnificent thought!", he seemed nice. I met up all my friends at the middle of hallway 2 and for them, first class was a blur, but we laughed it off when we told funny-weird stories about class.

Every period before lunch went by faster then a racecar. Maybe because it all seemed too easy and it was fun. Like they say, the more you have fun, the faster time goes by, which really sucks because you want fun to last a long time but, it is what it is. I went to the cafeteria and I got a taco with chips and queso. As I was walking to the table we picked out, some jock pushed his chair out, on purpose, and I stumbled to the side and I spilled my water everywhere, on Garret. He hesitated then he turned around a looked at me with an evil eye. He stood up in front of me and because he's a head taller then me, he looked down at me.

"Thanks Flaire, now I need to buy a new black leather jacket. If I were you, I would be hiding because you just bought a ticket to revenge." He said with his teeth clenched and his eyes peircing into my soul. He took his jacket off and put it in his arms and carried it to the bathroom. I looked in the direction of my table to see that half the cafeteria was staring at me. My friends looked at me signaling to come sit with them. But instead, I went to the very back and ate with my head down silent for the rest of the day. 

The next day at school

I walk through the front doors alone and I see that the bell is ringing in five minutes. I quickly get my things for algebra and I slam my locker shut making the ones next to mine shake. I keep my black hood from my hoodie on my forehead trying not to be noticed. I hold my textbooks and notebooks close to me when I feel a hard tap on my shoulder. I turn around and I see Garret with some boys behind him. Next thing I know, he pours a milkshake on my head and I drop my things behind me, keeping them safe from the drink. I close my eyes and my mouth is wide open as the chunky liquid rolls down my face and back. I take a deep breath.

"Just, go. I don't need drama already. Now go hang out with your friends a leave me alone. I bet you have a life to take care of." The boys behind him say "oooh" as in when someone owns someone in a taunting way. Garret grabbs my hoodie sleeve and spins me around to his direction. He puts his face close to mine and says, "excuse me little girl?" I push his face out of mine and I walk away quickly. But then he trips me and then he pulls me back up. My face is teary eyed and then I close my eyes. I hear a loud bang. Then pain enters my head, a burning one. Then I feel a worse one in my nose. Then a liquid pours out from my nose and I catch a small taste of copper tasting blood. I open my eyes and everything is blurry. Then I fall flat on my back hitting my head hard on the ground.

Grace's POV

I went to school on my second day with all my friends, except Ellie. She got really embarrased when she spilled water on Garret, some dumb jock. She didn't even talk to her mom, she just came home and went to her room for the rest of the day. I was digging through my purse for an extra dollar or two to buy a soda when I hear Garret's annoying voice. I walk over to the medium sized crowd. He's messing with Ellie, who has milkskhake on her. Crap. I can't just interfere unless I want to be hurt too. I just stand watching. Ellie says something back but I couldn't hear her mumbling.

Whatever she said, it made Garret mad. He yelled at her and he tripped her. He slams her face into a locker and she falls backwards flat and her nose rapidly bleeds. I push all the random kids out of my way and I run to Ellie. She's barely consious and I shake her. She blinks and I stand up. I kick Garret right in his stomach knocking him into a mob of kids. Then, I help Ellie stand, guiding her to the nurse's office.

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