Blood & Roses

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Ellie's POV

I was wondering where Ashley was after school. At school, I just assumed she went home sick. I walked the mile and a half back home. I opened the door and I threw my backpack on the floor. I changed into sweatpants and a tank top. I went to the kitchen to make a sandwich. I was going to take a dip so in between, I might as well have a snack. I put my bathingsuit on and put my clothes over it. I wrapped up the sandwich and grabbed my phone and towel. I opened the door and turned around to close it. I turned around and I couldn't believe it.

I dropped everything I was carrying but my phone. I put my hand on my head with my mouth wide open. I couldn't breathe. I put my hand on the wall. I put my hand through my hair. Tears started swelling up. I saw a red pool infected with blood. Bloody white roses gathered up on the sides of the pool. Stems to the roses at the bottom. And I saw a dead Ashley tied up and floating at the top of the pool. She was cut and, just. I couldn't stand it.

I grabbed my phone and dialed 911. "911, what's your emergency?" "Um, I walked into my backyard and my friend, she's, she's she's dead in my pool. I just came home from school and I'm really scared." I said crying. "What's your address?" "Uh 7348, Burkley Avenue, San Diego." They told me they'll be right over. 

I heard sirens and I rushed inside and opened the door to paramedics, firemen, policemen, scientists, and even news reporters. I let the paramedics and the police and the firemen to my backyard. They put police tape around my house. They started using thier walkie talkies and they started to lift her body. They put it on a bed and put a sheet that turned red with her still bloody cuts. They covered up the pool and brought me to the police station to ask me what I knew. 

At the station

I wiped a tear from my eye and they led me to a small room. A policeman sat behind a desk and I sat in the chair infront of it. "So what do you know." I started talking. "Well, the victim is Ashley Hally Kraft and she's 14 years old and attends Johnson Highschool. She was last seen 12:38 pm before third period. But no one has seen her since. 

Her funeral was the day after. I bought a million roses. Everyone was crying like crazy. Rest in peace Ashley Kraft.

SRY 4 a short chap. All my utha ideas go in school chaps soo ya. I killed of ash cuz the girl ash was based off of, ma friend ashley, wanted her to drown and die so i was like, okay! Hope u enjoyed. BAI!

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