Awe Hell To The No!

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Her blood level is at 763. Her skin turns a pale blue-purple. He tries to patch it up, but it's to late. Her moniter lets out a loud terriffying bee-eee-eep. I fall to my knees with blood on her hands. Fuck fuck fuck! This world is just a peice of shit! I first lode my older sister, the one who's played with me since square one. Then Ellie. I remember Mom coming home with the pale, bald baby with the brightest and happiest eyes. She was so fun too. When Maddie had all sorts of stuff to do and she couldn't play, I would play with Ellie. It seemed as everything froze and my mind replayed everything i've went through with both sisters. 

I cry and I hold her lifeless face. Her hair spread out over the bed. I kiss her forehead as they roll her out of the room. I fall to my knees once again and hold my hands out in front of me with Ellie's blood on it, the last thing I have of my sister. 

I wail in the empty room as the doctors yell at Nevaeh. I nod. It's not her fault. I don't want her to feel bad. "Stop" I say silencing everyone. "It's ok. Don't blame Nevaeh. It's Ellie's fault she took the pills in the first place. She might have been dying or depressed, but nothing forced her to pull apart the stiches or to overdose. Please don't fire Nevaeh, do it for me, for Ellie." The doctors tear up.  Nevaeh, the young, maybe my age or younger, she's an intern by the way, good looking, hugs me. I wrap my arms around her. "It's ok. There's many evil in this world, and you're not one of them."

The news breaks out all over town. Everyone is super depressed. Aiden sadly already knows. She looks sadder then some other people. But we still have to keep the secret about Maddie until she's 10. That's a good age she can handle it, when she's in 5th grade.

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