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I found myself naked in Felix's bed about 10 seconds later. He grabbed me hard to his chest and he started kissing and licking my neck and upper chest. I grabbed his head and he stuck his 3====) up my "part". I almost screamed becase it was so intense. While he was (humping) me, I thought how much of a slut I am. Having sex at age 14. If my mom ever finds out, she'll murder me in a bathtub. No kidding. I mean she was like 16 too! But she's like, "I know I was an idiot," (no way) "but dont go at there and get yourself something like ebola." I wanted to say, "Why the hell would I even be with someone with ebola?!"" But, then we'll get all fussy and i'll end up grounded.

We were doing this for about 30 minutes until we fell asleep, (body parts still in others, me on top of him.) I woke up about an hour later and I got my dressed and left because it was almost time for my kerfew. I left him in his bed and I tucked his bed sheets over him and I left the house without him knowing. 

The next day at school, I saw Felix but he acted like nothing even happened between us. I was so glad that's how it was so no one will suspect a thing. "Hey Ellie!" Says Avery running up to me and putting her arm covered in all sorts of bracelets around my shoulder. "Hey Ave." I say putting my arm around her shoulder. "So..I saw you and Felix talking yesterday between classes." Says Avery. I get tense. "Yeah, yeah, he was just asking to copy down my notes for english." I said trying to sound normal. "Oh. I thought something was going on with you two." Said Avery. "Me and Felix? Woah no. Totally different from eachother, not a chance!" I say. Avery laughs and we walk to Geometry together. 

"And if 16H is equal to 30T, then the answer is.." Says Miss. Bawlings. Half the classes hands shoot up, not including mine. The smart kids like Gabby and Jonathon and Winston and Stacy's hands are always wiggling in the air, desperate for thier names to be called. "Uh, Cory! How about you share your answer!" Says Miss. Bawlings. "67?" Says Cory nervously. Alot of kids giggle. "Uh, not really. How about you check again. Anyone else thinks they have an answer?" Cory looks down at his jeans when she calls on Jane. "nothing! 16 and 30 never have the answer in multiples!" I passed a note to Avery saying, what does any of this crap have to do with geometry? She scribbles something and passes it back. IDK ask the bawling teacher. She's just trying to see who's dumb. I chuckle to myself. Thank god, the bell rings. 

I wallk down the halls out of school and I rode my electric scooter home. I play computer and I run some shopping errands for mom. My mom makes noodles and orange chicken for dinner with a delicious cheesy vegetable soup with peices of chicken. We also have brownies with neopolitan ice cream covering the top. It was delicious. I do my 3 hour homework and the I do the laundry for mom (mom's sick with a fever)  then I hang out with Aiden.

Aiden's walking now and is always laughing and smiling and jumping everywhere. We watched baby shows and we played together. It was really fun. I got really tired, and so did she. I put her to bed and then I fell asleep my self until I woke up with something heavy on me. I woke up and saw Felix, naked.

Forever Young (sequel to Safe and Sound)Where stories live. Discover now