Chapter 2

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"Did you say anything back?.." Myah said.

Ryan shook her head. As she began to stuff boneless chicken into her mouth one by one. She tried to avoid the question. She didn't want to tell Myah that she didn't say anything back because she know how Myah is, and she accepted Shawn's apology when he brought an apology letter over with a case of brownies which she didn't tell myah considering they both ate them. Myah isn't black. But Ryan is. Myah is Puerto Rican. But she has a black mentality. Thinks like a black person, talks like a black person and act like one. She grew up around black people. Sometimes people forget that she's even white. She waited for Ryan to answer her question. Ryan was down to 4 boneless chicken. She stared down at them reaching for another one, but Myah snatched the tray throwing them to the other side of the bed. "Did you at least stand your ground?" She continued. Once again Ryan shook her head. "Tsss..." Myah sucked her teeth before standing up.

"What are you about to do?" Ryan said as she stood up crossing her arms.

"I'm going to go over there and tell her ass off!"

"No girl go sit down" Ryan said while gripping onto Myah's shoulders.

"Let me go over there and tell her ASS, -"

"I said no! I don't need you sticking up for me Aight!" Ryan yelled back. Myah stood in shock. She walked up to Ryan's face shaking her head.

"Yeah.. let them white people get what they want. But if they come at you like that again, don't say a damn word to me about it. Cause I tried to help" Myah said as she sat right back down on the bed continuing to eat.

"You call that helping? Tsss" Ryan added. It got intense. Ryan walked to the window looking out of it. The sun came out and the clouds started to roll away. No more rain. The sound of birds chirp as they flew through the sky and landing on tree branches. The room was quiet. Neither did any of them say a word. Ryan didn't care what people say about her. She said they are just words .. people get talked about everyday, that doesn't mean anything. Ryan opened the window and the nice wind flapped through the window pushing the curtains up and down and side to side. Due to previous rain, Droplets of rain drip down on the edge of the window ledge. "You trying to jump out that window?" Myah said. Ryan looked back and laughed. "You trying to jump with me? The only thing we're going to break a nail since we already close to the ground" Ryan replied. They both chuckled. Myah then apologize to Ryan, but Ryan than thanked her.

A sound of a guitar began to play outside. They both looked up at the window then at each other. "Who the hell is playing that guitar?" Myah asked. "I don't know but I do know, they've been playing that same tune for 4 days straight" Ryan replies. They both stood up and walked to the window. It was Shawn, Ryan's next door neighbor. He was sitting on the hood of his car playing the guitar while staring down at the grass in front of him. He started to hum.. Myah looked over at Ryan and noticed her smiling. Myah picked up a Little Rock from the ledge of the window and threw it in the grass near Shawn's foot. He looked up and they both ducked. "Are you crazy? Why would you do that!" Ryan whispered yelled.

They were sitting below the window for about 7 minutes. Myah got up and realized he was gone. Ryan stood up as well. They sat back down and continued to watch television. Time began to past by and the sun began to set. The sky went from being blue to orange. It was time for Myah to head home cause she had to be at work At her new job at 10pm. They both walked outside to the sidewalk. "You need to get your car fixed" Ryan said as they waited for the lyft driver. Myah agreed. They waited about 12 minutes and the lyft driver then pulled up to the curb of the sidewalk nearly 3 inches away from hitting the mailbox. Ryan hugged her goodbye and stood there as the driver began to drive away. The sound of the guitar began to play again and she turned her head towards the sound. She walked over to Shawn's car where he sat with his eyes closed. "Nice guitar" Ryan said. Shawn's eyes fluttered open and he turned his head facing Ryan. He jumped off the car putting the guitar strap around his shoulder. "How long you've been sitting here?" He asked. She folded her arms and looked around. "Only About a minute" she said.

He leaned against the car looking up at the sunset. "Your friend seems.. nice" he added.

"My friend?" Ryan said

"Yeah.. she threw a rock at me and thought I didn't see her throw it" he picked up the rock sitting it on the roof of his car.

"How you know I didn't throw it ?" Ryan said.

Shawn looked down at his phone for about 10 seconds before looking back at Ryan.

"Cause I know you wouldn't do that" he said as he began to quickly walk back to his apartment. Ryan looked up at his window and seen the curtains moved as if she was being watched. Who ever it was made Shawn rushed inside. Ryan walked back inside to close her window as the wind blew her papers to the ground. A wet envelope was blown to the side of her bed. She picked everything up and picked up the envelope as well. The envelope was blue, it didn't have anything written on it. She ripped it open and it was a letter from Shawn that reads

Hey it's shawn... can you meet me at this location tomorrow night at 11 ...

Ryan looked up from the note and grabbed her phone to look up the Address. It was only 7 blocks away. Which wasn't that far away. She folded the paper laying it on the dresser.

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