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Ryan and Myah handed their ticket to the person at the door before entering the club. The club was packed with people dancing and throwing themselves all over each other. There were people on the other side of the club half drunk and falling all over the place. Securities came over to kick them out eventually. Ryan started to make her way through the crowd to get to the bar side of the club. She sat down and requested a shot of Hennessy. "You're drinking already?" Myah asked. She shrugged her shoulders not wanting to even be there. "Go have fun. I'll be here" Ryan said grabbing her shot glass and tossing the drink into her mouth requesting another one. "Damn. That dude is looking right at me. I'm finna go get him girl I'll be back, Don't get drunk!" Myah yelled through the loud music before running off. The club was filled with mixed and Pacific Islander guys. Ryan reached down in her purse and pulled out her phone going through her messages. She texted her mom back who kept blowing up her phone about her dad who she didn't even care about. She then clicked on Shawn's name and all of their messages were exposed. She scanned through them and smiled. Her mind pictured Shawn sitting on his car singing the same tune over and over, like a record. The date of the last message sent from her was one month and eight days ago. Thinking about Karen made her want to throw her phone at the wall. She requested 4 more shots and chugged them down like it was water. Myah then ran over holding hands with a brown skinned Jamaican.
"Ryan I left my phone in the car. Take me a picture". She said striking a pose. Ryan opened her camera but her phone wasn't taking any pictures. The memory was full. "I can't. My phone is full" she yelled through the loud music. Myah snatched her phone and ran off with the guy which was unusual. But Ryan was too tipsy to even care. Three hours went by and the club was still packed and people were still dancing. A dozen of people left the club and a different dozen of people entered the club. Myah was seen still dancing with the Jamaican guy. She then decides to leave with the guy right when Ryan decides to get drunk. "Damn Ryan. Why you had to get drunk now? You cutting into my sex time" Myah said holding onto her. She didn't want to leave Ryan there drunk and falling over the place. Myah looked through her contacts to find somebody to pick her up and take her home but Ryan only had 5 people in her contacts which was her mom, Shawn, her sister, her manager, and Myah's. She had no choice but to call Shawn. She couldn't call an taxi or a left for Ryan cause she's drunk and it's 2 in the morning. Myah sat on the phone with Shawn pleading with him to pick up Ryan. The Jamaican guy quickly grabbed Ryan as she started to fall forward. "Damn it Ryan would you stay still! And you better not throw up on my man" Myah yelled. After they've waited about 30 minutes, Shawn called Ryan phone to let them know he was outside Myah and the Jamaican guy helped carry Ryan to his car.

"Thanks for coming Shawn, took you forever but at least you came" Myah said. Shawn shrugged his shoulders and got in the car. "Oh hey be careful tonight" Shawn said to myah before getting right back into his car. He stated pulling out of the driveway of the club and sped off. The car was silent. Shawn looked over at Ryan who was leaning in her seat. He would stare at her whenever he came to a stop to make sure she's okay. After the long drive back he carried her to his place and laid her in his bed. Ryan started gagging and seconds later she threw up on his floor. "No Ryan!" Shawn yelled. He cleaned up the mess and sat right back down beside her. Ryan eyes fluttered open and she slowly sat up in the bed. "Oh no I got to get out of here!" She said falling out of the bed and slowly trying to find her way out the room. Shawn reaches for her arm and gently pulled her back into the bed. "You're drunk Ryan" he said pinning her down the bed. The strong smell of alcohol was still on her. Shawn tried everything to hold her down but she wouldn't stop trying to leave. He needed help. He grabbed her phone out her clutched purse and began going through it. He then stumbled upon a video that was about 30 minutes long. It was the video Ryan recorded the day she took his mom purse. He played the video and Ryan was telling the truth. His mom did set her up. He slapped his forehead before getting up to punch the wall. His little sister cane walking into the room making a face. "Where's mom?" Shawn asked. His little sister Aaliyah pointed  towards the living room. He asked his little sister Aaliyah, to keep an eye on her while he go confront his mom. He stormed out of the room screaming and yelling towards his mom about her lying at the fact she set Ryan up ruining his friendship with Ryan. Things got so bad he ended up kicking her out again and she ended up taking Aaliyah with her. About 40 minutes later, The apartment was quiet. Shawn sat in his computer chair and pushed him self towards the side of the edge of the bed besides Ryan and watched her sleep. He wanted to apologize to her but she was too drunk and won't even remember if he was to tell her now. That means he had to wait till the morning. He already been to sleep earlier in the day so he couldn't go to sleep and ended up staying up.

The next morning came and Shawn got out the shower wrapping his robe around his wet body as soon as he seen Ryan slowly sitting up in the bed with her left hand hovering her forehead. She slowly looked around and realized she wasn't in her bed.  She got up and turned around making eye contact with Shawn. "Shawn?? What the hell" she blurted.

"Hey, Good morning Ryan. " he said walking towards her. "You're talking to me now? Why am I here?" She asked. He told her about last night and told her how drunk she was and about the video. He apologized to Ryan and she accepted it. The room then grew quiet, the sounds of birds and owl can be heard through his glass shut window. He saw that Ryan was still in her dress, so he offered her to use the tub. She took a shower and wrapped her wet body in a orange silk fitted rob Shawn handed to her that Cindy left. "Thank you. Do you have a toothbrush?" She asked. He handed her one and they both went to brush they're teeth. "Wow, silk looks good on you" he whispered while running his hands down her arm feeling the robe. She smiled and thanked him. It then got awkward between the two as they stood close to each other in the middle of bathroom. He pushed some of her hair that was in her face behind her ear and cupped the left side of her face with his fingers gripping the back of her head. He leaned down to her level and slowly leaned forward. Ryan was so nervous, she pulled away from his grip. "You okay?" He asked. She nodded and put her hand over her forehead.

"Well I'm going to go head back to my place to make breakfast and try to get rid of this hangover, thank you so much Shawn" Ryan said grabbing her things and quickly making her way out the room. Shawn shook his head and smiled.

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