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Ryan sat outside as the strong wind brushes through the palm trees in the yard. She watched her dad and brother carried her stuff onto a moving truck. Ryan was moving out her apartment and into a house. Now that's she's pregnant, she needs more space. They've been packing for 5 days straight. Shawn would help now and then but he was too busy with trying to work on writing his song that he's barely around.

"That's everything." Her dad said locking the handle to the truck. Ryan thanked her dad and brother and headed over to shawn to let him know that she's leaving and for him to give her a call later. She stood at his door knocking and ringing the doorbell for fifteen minutes but there was no answer which is strange because Shawn was just outside with his guitar seven teen minutes ago. She patted down her pockets searching for her phone but not knowing she left it in her car.

"Let's go!" Her dad shouted while beeping the horn on the truck. Ryan knocked one last time before heading back to her car to follow her dad and brother to the new house, couple minutes later Shawn peaked his head not seeing Ryan pulling out of the driveway and speeding off to catch up with the moving truck. He had on headphones listening to beats that he didn't even hear the door.

"I know a girl, she's like a curse.. we want each other, no one would break first" he sung to himself while sitting on top of his car. He spent hours outside playing his guitar trying to finish his song before his show in California next week. "Shawn!" A voice ranged out. Shawn's head quickly turned in the direction it came from. It was camila.

"Oh, hey camila.." he said.

"I need to talk to Ryan, is she around?" She asked.

He nodded his head and jumped off the car heading next door towards Ryan's old apartment not knowing she had left. He knocked on the door a couple times and there was no answer.

"She was just here" he whispered. He peaked through the window and saw nothing. The house was empty. There was not a thing in sight. Camila pulled out a letter from her purse and handed it over to shawn. She asked that he give her the letter whenever he runs into her. He agreed and headed back towards his car to finish his song and camila followed. She stood beside him as he continued to hum to the sound of his guitar. He was getting frustrated and distracted making it hard for him to concentrate. "You're writing a song?" She said. He nodded.

"Yeah, but i can't concentrate" he said while running his hand through his curled hair.

Camila grabbed his guitar from out his hands and sat beside him. She started play it and Shawn was in shock. He didn't know she could play. She started to sing I want it that way by the Backstreet Boys her voice was beautiful. Shawn would close his eyes while she sung. "You're amazing" he said. She smiled. "I can help you write a song if you want" she said.

Shawn didn't know what to say. He started to think. With everything that's going on in his mind right now he really do need some kind of help so he agreed. They sat in the moist grass and sung for hours. The sun was hidden behind trees making sunlight rays hit directly onto Shawn's car. Camila and Shawn rehearsed their new song one last time before going their separate ways. "Thank you" Shawn said camila smiled and laid her head on his shoulder.

"No thank you, for putting me on one of your songs" she said. He looked over at her and ran his fingers through her long thin blonde hair. She sat up and slowly grabbed his guitar from his hands, setting it aside while she gripped a chunk of his neck with her glossed thin lips. "Camila," Shawn said as he nudged her.

"I have a girlfriend" he said getting up off the grass. He picked up his guitar heading back inside of his apartment and camila followed.

"Where is she?" She asked. He turned to her and shrugged.

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