Chapter 20

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Today was Ryan's twentieth birthday, it was nine in the morning and Ryan was getting her hair and nails done. She also have an appointment for her make up at one and her party started at three which she doesn't know yet. Myah took Ryan to get her nails,feet and hair did for party. Ryan got suspicious cause all she wanted to do for her birthday is watch movies and eat junk food all day with her best friend which doesn't require you to get yourself pampered for.
An hour has passed and Ryan just got done getting her hair and lashes did. She was beautiful, so beautiful that every guy in the shop was breaking necks. "Come on let's get you home" Myah said rushing her to the car. She had just got the message from Ryan's mom that everybody has arrived and hidden ready to jump out and say happy birthday.

"Thanks myah," Ryan said while staring out the car window. Ryan threw her purse in the back seat which landed on the covered painting Myah took from Shawn's house. "What is that?" Ryan asked.

"Oh.. that? It's nothing"

"It's got to be something. Why else would it be covered? Let me see"

"No! Not yet Ryan... you can see it after your party." Myah said. She had a very serious but worried look on her face. She really didn't want Ryan to see the picture till the party. She wanted Shawn to feel ashamed for what he did. That painting was proof that he cheated. She hoped that Shawn will shout up just to give Ryan that painting. Ryan gave Myah a brooding look before sitting back in her seat folding her arms. She was curious about what was under the sheet. not that she cared but the way myah looked at her, made her more curious about it. After arriving to her apartment, myah made Ryan wear a blindfold before getting out the car. The whole street was filled with cars. She went over and helped Ryan out of the car and they started to make they're way over to the apartment. "Myah quit shoving me so hard!" Ryan bursted. She opened the door and snatched off Ryan's blind fold. The house was dark. As they stepped inside, everybody jumped out from behind chairs,tables and doors yelling "Happy birthday Ryan!"

"What? Oh my god thank you so much" Ryan said in excitement. She gave myah hug and everybody else who came over towards her. Camila has even showed up as well with a gift in her hand. She slowly approached Ryan and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Happy birthday!" She said. Ryan smiled and grabbed the present from her hand.

"Oh thanks camila.." she replied

"You're welcome. Shawn is on his way here. he should've been here 20 minutes ago but you know...guys" she said. Ryan was about to say something but her phone started to ring. It was her mom calling. Due to the loud music, she headed outside towards her car but stopped when she seen Shawn sitting on sidewalk holding a bouquet of flowers. He had a pained look on his face. She denied her mother's call and headed towards him.

"Hey, you okay?" she said crouching near him. Hiseyes widen and his cheeks lit up.

"Yeah...Wow.. you look beautiful. Happy birthday by the way" he said handing her the flowers. She grabbed them and gave him a light hug.

"Thank you,"

She sat next to him and stared at the beautiful dark blue sky. It was quiet even though the bass of the music and people yelling from inside the house can still be heard a little.

"So.. you're going to come inside? I'm pretty sure-" Ryan said But was stopped when Shawn smushed his moist lips up against hers. Ryan was shocked that she almost pulled back but didn't. She slowly climbed on him not breaking the kiss. The sound of crickets ranged out from the grass as The moon began to rise.  "I missed you so much" he whispered in between kisses. They quickly pulled away when they heard somebody walking out the door. "Yeah so thanks for the flowers. You should go inside, Camila is looking for you" Ryan said smiling. "Yeah yeah you're right. See you inside"

Her mom than approached her giving Shawn an evil glare.

"Hey mom, enjoying the party?" Ryan said still gazing at shawn walking towards the door. He looked back and winked before disappearing in the crowd.

"Yeah but why aren't you? I've been calling you multiple times cause everybody is ready to sing happy birthday before cutting the cake" she bursted. "Ohh I'm sorry mom I must've had my phone on mute" Ryan replied while looking for her phone. Her mom nodded her head before walking back inside. Ryan grabbed her flowers and began to follow Her but stopped when she seen the covered painting through Myah's back windshield. She laid the flowers on the roof of the car and snatched open the car door reaching for the painting. It was dark outside so she had to use her phone light as a flashlight.  just when she pulled the sheet from off the painting, her heartbeat started to speed Because the painting frightened her a little. Her eyes began to wonder around the painting. She than saw the date of when the painting was drawn. Which was three months ago. "That motherfucker cheated while we was together?!" She bursted. she felt played. She snatched the vase of flowers throwing them out on the street and watched the glass shattered out onto street. Cars were passing by and the flowers were ran over and flattened. She grabbed the painting heading inside.

"Finally! Let's go in the kitchen guys?!" Her mom shouted and turned the music off. While people started to head into the kitchen to sing happy birthday, Ryan went looking around for Shawn. She was angry,sad,emotional as ever. She felt played. The painting was drawn three months ago around the time she was dating shawn. She then spotted Camila who were hand in hand with Shawn standing near the table laughing and talking. Myah knew there was going to be trouble because she seen the painting hanging from Ryan's hand. She goggled her first shot and started shoving through the crowd of people.

"What the fuck Is this!"Ryan yelled as she threw the painting on the table which frightened them a little.
Shawn was confused on how the painting got into her hands in the first place.

"What? I don't understand?" He replied looking at the painting which has Camila smiling cause she thought it was cute.

"Look at the fucking date! You were dating me three months ago.. so explain!"

"Ryan you don't understand... this isn't the original-" Shawn said But was slapped against the face. The sound of the slap scared camila and the people who stood around them. It was so loud that everybody's attention was now on them. Some people even had there phones out recording the whole thing.

Shawn quickly grabbed the painting to cover himself right before Ryan picked up a cup full of water throwing it on him but the water landed on the painting. Camila's face on the painting began to fade away revealing Ryan's face. Myah eyes widen. Somebody had painted Camila's face over Ryan's. The original painting of Shawn and Ryan was drawn three months ago. So when they painted camila's face over it, they forgot to change the date which caused many confusion. Everybody stood around. "Wait a minute, you guys use to date?" Camila asked while staring at the wet painting. "Duh! Shawn started dating you three weeks after they broke up" Amyah yelled from the crowd.

"Oh...Shawn I'm so sorry. I thought you" Ryan said. she walked away and the party resumed. Everybody went back to doing them.

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