Chapter 21: Part 2

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Shawn looked over at Ryan who was sleeping with her head rested on his right shoulder as They waited along with Myah's step brother and parents in the hospital. They were told by the doctor that Myah had been stabbed in the stomach and shoulder multiple times. Nobody knows how it happened or why it did.

"Miss Perez?" The doctor called out. They all got up including Ryan and rushed over to the doctor. Ryan knew that it might be bad because of the way the doctor frowned. He had a concerned look on his face. He flipped through pages on his clipboard before putting it back down to his side. "A'myah has lost too much blood, as we began to work on her, she went into a coma. We don't know for sure if it's because of her loosing too much blood or it could be trauma to the brain." He said. Everybody started To worry, Ryan and the others began to cry except Shawn who was still seated with his arms crossed.

After 4 hours of being in the hospital, Ryan was told by Myah's mother that she should go home and get some rest and that she will call her to give her updates on myah. Ryan didn't want to leave Myah's side but she did needed the rest so she took Shawn's hand and started to walk out the hospital.

"It's going to be okay" Shawn whispered as they both made they're way to the car.

"That's my best friend in there Shawn! If I loose her ima go crazy!" She yelled while beating on the steering wheel. Shawn tried to calm her down but she wouldn't so he decided to drive her back home. She was devastated and confused. Her stomach started to turn she felt sick. It was now seven at night and it even started to rain. Nothing but the sound of thunder roam throughout the apartment. Nobody had said a word. Karen came over to check up on Ryan after hearing the news. She even took it upon herself to clean the blood off the porch and take care of her.

"We don't know what happened! She just showed up to my door dripping in blood mom!" Shawn yelled towards his mother who wouldn't stop asking him questions about Myah. The whole neighborhood has heard about it. There's even rumors going around about Shawn since Myah had showed up to his apartment first. Everybody thought that it might've been somebody in Shawn's apartment who tried to kill myah which was crazy.

"I need water" Ryan called out. Shawn rushed towards his fridge grabbing a bottle of water and handing it to her. "Thank you" she said wiping her half dried tears on her chin. She knew myah all her life, even though myah was a handful and always had something to say about people, she always been caring towards Ryan and protective. Shawn was still shocked at the situation. At first, he thought Myah was playing when she showed up at the door but when he saw the blood dripping from her stomach he knew at that moment she wasn't playing. Shawn has a show tomorrow in Miami Florida, so he was thankful that his mom agreed to taking care of Ryan for a while till he comes back.

The next day...

Nobody has slept last night. They were still shook about Myah being in a coma. Shawn unwrapped his naked body from the sheets and started rubbing his eyes. He then heard the sound of Ryan gagging in the bathroom. He quickly wrapped his white robe around his body heading towards the bathroom light. He was running into walls and tables trying to get there.

"Ryan? You okay?" He asked. She threw her head back after flushing the toilet and shook her head. She looked bad.. her eyes were puffy from all that crying, her hair looked as if she rubbed her hair with a giant balloon and her clothes were covered in vomit. Shawn walked to her side and stripped her out of her clothes. He turned on the shower and guided her in it. He had also got in it.

"I don't need your help" she said.

"You need to go to the doctor Ryan, you've been sick all day. I'll tell mom to take you." He said as he began to rub her body down with dove liquid soap. She ignored him as she continued to bury her face into the shower water as it ran down her bare face. After showering Ryan threw on her fitted dress and pasted back and forth in the bathroom about five hundred times thinking about Myah's condition.

Shawn got ready and threw his guitar strap over his shoulder along with his bag.

"Where you going?" She asked.

"Miami Florida, I have a show to get too"

No you're not, I need you here" Ryan said as she reached for his bag. Shawn watched her dump his clothes out the bag and into the closet. She even tried to reach for his guitar but he shoved her back.

"Ryan. I know going away is the last thing I should be doing right now but I can't pass up this opportunity I'll be back in 2 weeks"

"Two weeks! Shawn really?" She hissed. He went to grab his things and headed out into the living room where his mom stood fixing Ryan a bowl of soup and salad for her breakfast.

"My mom will take care of you till I get back. I'll be back, I love you" he said kissing her forehead and walking out the front door. "He said he love you? My baby never said that to any of the girls he dated. You are special" Karen said smiling. Ryan smiled and sat at the table hesitating to eat. Karen knew something had to be wrong with her but didn't want to say anything. Ryan haven't been herself lately and it shows. "You don't look well Ryan" Karen aid breaking the silence. Ryan rolled her eyes.

"I know, I just been so worried about Myah and trying to keep Shawn happy I just haven't been worrying about myself" Ryan replied while playing with her food with a metal spoon. Karen got up and sat beside her.

"Shawn? He's happy, I can see it. Myah is going to be okay, we just have to pray. It's time to start worrying about yourself." Karen replied.

Ryan nodded and smile. She started to think about what Karen had said and decided to start taking care of herself. She wanted to go visit myah before going to the salon to get her hair done and that's what she did. She spent two hours in the hospital sitting beside Myah then three hours in the hair salon for a silk press. Just as she left the salon, she spotted an old friend standing near the barbershop that was three stores down from the hair salon.  "Axel?" She called out. He quickly lifted his head and smiled. "Ryan? Damn come give me a hug!" He said throwing his arms out. She wrapped her arms around his muscular neck and laughed.

"How you been?" He asked

She pushed her hair behind her ear and smiled.

Axel was Ryan's old boyfriend before she met Shawn. He was the guy Myah introduced her too a long time ago. Axel was Puerto Rican, and has a body like Michael b Jordan he loves working out. He would spend hours in a gym. That was one of the reasons why Ryan broke up with him, he was so in loved with his body and only cared about himself.

"I've been great actually" she replied.

"You look great too. Damn, let me get your number" he whispered. Ryan looked down at her phone and stared at shawn who was her locked screen wallpaper.

"I have a boyfriend Axel," she mumbled. He nodded pushing his phone back into his pocket. She waved good bye and began to head back to her car.

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