Chapter 31

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It was midnight and rain began to fall hitting against the window pain. Shawn and Myah sat together at a house party. It wasn't packed either. It was like a small gathering. Bout 20 people here, half of them being guys.

"How is it?" Myah asked while flipping her hair out her face. He looked around and shrugged. Shawn also had his guitar in his hand. "You told me you was taking me to a talent show." He said through the loud crowd of people. Myah giggled. She poured half a cup of pink Whitney and started to sip. Shawn watched her gulp it down as the drink began to spill on both sides of her mouth. He snatched the cup dumping it into a small tree plant next to him. "You're gonna get fucked up" he said. A random girl then began to approach the table grabbing Myah away from him. Shawn didn't care. He watched as Myah and the girl get lost in the crowd. He didn't want to be there but he drove here with Myah so he couldn't leave her. Myah was okay.. she is starting to gain back her memory just a little because she's starting to dress how she usually would dress before the coma. She had on a white crop top with a dark jean jacket and dark jean shorts and her white fluffy Ugg's. He stood up holding onto the guitar while looking for the bathroom. "Hey wanna dance!" A girl shouted. Shawn turned her down while heading up the narrow stairs. There were about 10 closed doors up there so he didn't know which door leads him into the bathroom. He opened a random door on the left side and there were two girls on the bed making out. He quickly slammed the door. He then started making his way over to the next door on the right side. He hesitated for a second and quickly pushed the door open. There it was, the bathroom. He closed the door and sat on the edge of the tub and began to his guitar. Hours passed and he started to get sleepy. He sat inside the tub wrapping his arms tightly around his guitar. The sound of footsteps were heard outside the bathroom door. There were people yelling and cheering causing shawn to fight his sleep until he couldn't take no more. He then began to fall asleep.

"No more!" Myah said to her friend Lela. "Last sip okay" she replied and Myah giggled. She wasn't drunk. Even though she had so much to drink, somehow she didn't get drunk. Some People began to leave once they found out there were no more food nor drinks. Others stayed hanging around the outside of the house. Myah stood outside pulling her lighter out her purse and handing it over to her friend. They were about to smoke. The people started to bring the party outside which caused the neighbors to get angry.

"Turn down the music!" The elderly women yelled. People continued to dance and cheering. A random guy from the crowd walked over to the elderly lady and dumped a bottle of henny over her head. "Join us!" He said. The elderly lady went back inside to call the cops. Sirens could be heard on every street. Everybody began to run. People were shoving and pushing while others were falling over each other. Car tires could be heard screeching the pavement as they sped away. Myah jumped in her car but remembered shawn was still in the house. She quickly pulled out her phone and called him. There was no answer. "Fuck!" She yelled. She hesitated whether she should go inside to get him or not. The sirens got louder and louder, she had no choice but to leave. Myah started the car and left speeding down the road. She quickly parked her car a block away from the house to wait until the the cops leave the house so that she could retrieve Shawn.

She watched as the elderly lady explained what had happened and the other cops busted through the door doing a sweep. She had found out that the house belong to the neighbors grandson who were away and un aware of a party nor didn't know anybody to even throw the party. The elderly lady thought that her grandson were the one who threw the party but he didn't. People broke in and threw the party. They're were people getting arrested for trespassing and damaged property including Shawn who was seen in handcuffs. Myah jumped out the car running towards the seen. 7 people were in handcuffs and were standing against the cops car. "Wait!! He has nothing to do with it!" She said brushing through the crowd. "Hey get back! Get back!" The cop yelled holding his right hand on his holster while shoving her away from the scene. She as she was shoved away, she could see Shawn's face in disbelief and sadness. He glanced over at myah before being shoved into the cop car.


"You're okay? Do you need to go to the hospital?" Marlon asked while rubbing onto Ryan's belly.

"No.. I'm... fine," she said in pain. She laid back in bed and held her hand over her belly. Her stomach have been killing her lately which weren't normal. It could just be the contractions but she's not even close to her due date leaving her with only 5 months. Marlon sat and watch Ryan as she tossed and turn in bed with enduring pain. "Nah that's it.. I'm taking you to the hospital" he said grabbing his keys. He grabbed a few clothes from her closet and put it into a overnight bag. They both got into the car heading to the nearest hospital. Ryan checked in and waited to get help. "I should call Shawn," she said reaching for her phone. "No! Don't call him yet. That bastard owe me 12,00 dollars to get my car fix from the other day when he keyed it. If I see him person I might hurt him!" He said Ryan paid her head back in pain and waited. 2 hours went by and the doctor finally called her.

"Ryan?" She said. She shook Marlon who was sleeping on her shoulder. He sat up wiping his face as he watched Ryan head into the double doors. Time went by, their were many people checking in and their were many people checking out. Marlon had to go to work in an hour and he didn't want to leave Ryan at the hospital. He texted her a couple of  times but she didn't answer. He was seconds closer sending her a text stating that he has to leave to get ready for work but she came out holding her discharge papers. She slowly walked towards Marlon with tears flowing down her face. "What's wrong? What did they say??" He said gripping her shoulders. She handed him the ultrasound and he was in complete shock .. Ryan was having twins! She was speechless and didn't know what to say but cry. She didn't know what to tell Shawn. Instead she kept it a secret till the baby shower that was 2 months away. What a day ...

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