Chapter 24

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Shawn huffed while reaching for his ringing phone that was on the dresser beside his bed.

"Hello?" He said in his morning voice. He sat up on the bed and palmed his forehead.

"Alright. I'm sorry i overslept, I'm on my way" he said hanging up the phone. He stripped out of his clothes while walking towards the bathroom to take a quick shower. He was suppose to be at the doctors appointment with Ryan at nine in the morning but he over slept. After showering, he threw on his clothes and ran towards the kitchen to grab 3 apples.
Seconds later his phone went off again.

"Damn" he whispered while heading towards his car.

"Where are you!" Ryan yelled through the phone.

"Ryan I'm on my way. I'm driving now. I'll call you when I get there" he yelled back as he continued to speed down the road. She hung up and car ride was silent. Shawn started to overthink, he's going to be a father and he's only twenty one. There's a lot that comes with a baby. Shawn didn't know whether he should cry or keep calm about the situation. He ran a couple of stop signs hoping and praying not the get pulled over before pulling up at the building.  Ryan was seen standing at the entrance of the door. His face and ears completely lit up at how beautiful and glowingly she looked. As he began to park the car, Ryan was seen walking towards the car with an angry look on her face.

"Really!" She yelled outside the window as Shawn continued to park the car. He got out reaching out for a hug but was rejected, instead he was grabbed by the arm and pulled towards the entrance of the building.

"I'm sorry that I'm late, I overslept" he said.

"Right, you overslept. What a great excuse. Look at the time shawn im twenty seven minutes late"

"Why you mad at me? I don't have to be here. Look around, do you see any guys in this building besides me and that y'all guy in the back? No" Shawn hissed as he pointed towards the back of the room. Ryan folded her arms ready to snap at him but her name was called and she quickly turned her head. Both her and Shawn stood up making there way towards the door where a short women stood holding a clipboard. They followed her through the door and headed towards the back where there was an empty room. In that empty room stood two doctors dressed in white and black.

"Hello Ryan, I am doctor Perez and this is doctor Martinez, I will be your doctor today" she said shaking Ryan's hand and Shawn's. As well. One of the doctor exited the room leaving only doctor Perez. He started to check Ryan's blood pressure and eyes.

"Okay, im going to bring a nurse here to have a pelvic check up okay?" He said smiling. Ryan nodded her head and the doctor left the room.

"What's a pelvic check?" Shawn asked looking towards Ryan. Just before Ryan could answer, the nurse came walking into the room putting on her latex gloves. She gave Ryan a gown and asked if shawn could step out the room, he went out into the hallway and leaned his back against the wall waiting. After twenty seven minutes of waiting, Ryan walked out and grabbed Shawn's hand. She was finished and   Was Told to go home. Just as Shawn and Ryan was leaving out the door, Camila and her mother walked in. Shawn quickly turned his head towards them as they were walking inside Camila and Shawn both stared at each other as they walked by nearly touching arm to arm. Ryan wasn't even paying any attention, she didn't even see Camila walking in the doctors office and if she did she would give Shawn the death stare and start to jump right into conclusions. He started to wonder why would she be here and could she be pregnant? Can't be... Shawn only slept with her once a long time ago but then again.. all it takes is one time. He started to get scared, his palms started to sweat as they continued to head back to the car. he started to think of what Ryan would do if she finds out that Camila might be pregnant with his baby. All this thinking had Ryan concerned.

"You okay?" She asked while letting go of his sweaty hand. He nodded and smile trying not to show how scared he is. They both got into the car heading back home. Ryan didn't know what to tell her mom and how her mom would react to her being pregnant by a white guy. Her mom met Shawn twice but not properly. She still thinks that get is Ryan's "plumper"

"So.. what gender you think it's going to be?" Ryan asked. Shawn was so caught up into his thoughts that he ignored the question. She could see something is bothering him and was concerned what it might be.

" hey?" She said. His head slowly turned towards her.

"Hm?" He said

"Are you okay? You've been acting weird ever since we left that doctors office."

"I'm fine.." he answered.

"No you're not. Could it be that I'm pregnant?"

"No of course not" He said while looking back out the window. She laid her hand on his lap while gripping the steering wheel with her other hand. The car ride back home was silent. After twenty nine minutes of driving Ryan pulled up to her driveway and got out the car carrying papers her doctor gave her. Shawn eyes quickly widen when he seen his parents and Younger sister standing on his footstep. He slammed the car door and headed their direction. 

"Hey guys" he said. Ryan folded her arms and stood against her car. The time was four in the afternoon and the sun was out. There was no clouds but yet it was very windy.

"Hey, your dad and I are going away for a few days for a business trip, is it okay Aaliyah could stay over till we get back?" His mom Karen, said. He nodded and took his keys from out his pocket unlocking the door so that they could come in. Shawn's dad stopped and stared towards Ryan's direction.

" her?" He said. Shawn turned towards him.

"Yeah?" He replied

"You.. came out of that car she's leaning on? Son, you are kidding me? What did I tell you about those kind of people!?" He replied. Shawn stood silence while looking deep into his father's eyes. Shawn knee if he told his dad that Ryan is having his baby he'll probably kill him but Shawn is twenty years old which makes him a grown man so why care about what his dad say or think of Ryan. Just as Shawn can reply to him, Ryan came walking over grabbing onto Shawn's hand. Shawn quickly snatched away leaving Ryan speechless.

"Get off my son's porch!" His father yelled. Both Shawn and Ryan was terrified at the sound of his deep toned voice. Karen and Aaliyah quickly rushed out the apartment to see what was going on.

"Dad relax!" Shawn said shoving him back inside

"You need to stop it! And accept her. That's your daughter in law!" Karen said.

"He's dating her? Oh She will never be any daughter of mine" he replied.

Ryan was embarrassed and her eyes began to water as tears continued to fall down her face. She was hurt that his dad wouldn't accept her and she know for a fact that her mother wouldn't accept Shawn. Shawn looked over at Ryan wiping her eyes as she began to walk back to her apartment. He felt so bad that he didn't know what to say.

"Why are you so evil towards her dad? Oh and congratulations... you're going to be a grandpa" Shawn replied as he began to make his way over to Ryan.

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