Chapter 14

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My eyes quickly opened but nearly blinded by the bright sun rays shining through my window. I turned my body over to shawn who was sitting in the chair holding his new Guitar he bought yesterday. He looked at me and smiled.

"You're finally up. I made breakfast" he said. About a second later the smoke detector went off. I quickly got out of bed and we both ran towards the kitchen. The pan was literally on fire, smoke filled the kitchen and living room. "Did you forget to turn the stove off!" I yelled. I quickly grabbed the pan throwing it into the sink and turning on the cold water. Shawn came over and started fanning and patting down the pan. After putting the fire out and the smoke cleared the kitchen, my roof was black. How is that possible when the fire didn't even reach the roof? It could've been the smoke that turned it black right?
"I believe I can fix this" he said standing near the fridge. How did this even happened? How did he forget to turn off the stove? My perfect silver pan literally turned charcoal black. Now I have to call someone who does roof fixing.

"How? How did you forget to turn the stove off Shawn?" I said still staring at my burnt kitchen roof in disbelief.

"I don't know. I must've forgot. I'll get it fix okay?" He said. I followed him out the kitchen and walked back in my room to shower. Shawn literally sat in the bathroom playing his guitar and singing while he waits till I get out. I never thought I see myself dating a white guy. It feels good to know that color doesn't stand in his way. After soaping my body down, I turned on the warm shower water and stood in it while washing myself. Shawn slowly laid down his guitar and started to unbutton his shirt. He stripped naked and slid open the shower door stepping inside. My eyes locked on his eyes. I ran my hands through his wet dripping hair. The water starts to falls down his face, and then down his lips to his chin. "Turn around, I want to wipe down your back" he said. I did what he told me and he started to scrub my back. My phone started to ring from my dresser  after washing all the soap and subs off my body, I climbed out and wrapped myself around my towel.
"Please tell me that's not myah?" Shawn yelled from the bathroom. It was, I didn't answer it though. She called me 3 times yesterday now she's calling me today. It's been days since she haven't burst into my room like she always use to do. I got so use to her bursting in here, Now I got a habit of waiting by the door at 10 cause that was the time she'll bust in here.

Shawn walked out the bathroom tightly wrapping his  lower body in the towel. His hair was dripping wet and his body had little dots of water attached to him.  He grabbed his clothes out the closet and got dressed and so did I. We headed out to go get real breakfast since Shawn decides to almost burn down the apartment trying to make some. After eating, my stomach started to bubble so bad. This is why I don't eat at McDonald's that's near our complex, cause I always end up getting sick. I wanted to throw up so bad but I had to of it in because Shawn was next to me and he was enjoying his food and I didn't want to ruin that and make him loose his appetite. "Can you get me a cup of water?" I said. He nodded his head and headed to the front. I needed water...bad.. and he was taking too damn long. I reached out my hands when he started making his way over to me with the cup of water. I felt like I needed to throw up and when I usually feel like this, I would drink cold water and it'll go away. But this time it didn't, It got worse. I stood up and quickly walked to the bathroom. Soon as I walked inside, I ran to a stall and threw up everything that I ate, it felt like my insides was about to come out my mouth and ass. I washed my hands and rinsed my mouth out with water before putting gum into my mouth. And after that, we left. Shawn wanted to go to this stupid guitar store to buy some straps for his guitar, I didn't feel well so I told him to drop me off before he go. I went inside and stripped naked throwing on my pajamas and laid right in bed. This is the worst feeling ever. My doorbell began to ring and I laid there for 12 more seconds before going to go open it. It was my mom.

"Mom? Hey! What are you doing here?" I said giving her a big warm hug. We walked to the couch and sat. "Well I'm here because I wanted to invite you to my wedding " she said. My heart dropped in my ass and I know it did cause my ass feel like it had a heartbeat.

"You're getting married ? Mom I'm so happy for you oh my god!"

She laughed and handed me a wedding invitation.

"So where's that boyfriend of yours?" She asked. I was confused cause I didn't even tell her about Shawn but I had a clue on who did... that damn Myah....

"Oh he's um, at work I think" I said lying through my teeth.

"You think? You don't know where your own man at?" She said standing up and heading towards the door. I didn't say anything, I just smiled cause she was about to leave and I didn't feel like explaining myself to her cause I started to get nausea again. Just as she was about to walk out the door,  Shawn walked in. They both made eye contact, my mom shot the door close and sat right back on the couch still eyeing down Shawn. I really don't have time for this.

"Uh, Ryan? There's a... Uh who is this?" She said.
Shawn walked up to her and held out his hand.

"Hey Im Ryan's..."

"PLUMER! He's here to fix my toilet"  I blurted. He looked at me before dropping his hand back down to his side. And the room grew quiet, nobody hadn't said a word after that and it's been that way for about 3 minutes. Mom smiled in relief. I felt Shawn eying me to death but I was too ashamed to look his way. I didn't mean to lie but my mom can be a bit like his mom but worse. She'll make you feel bad about yourself and everything, and I didn't want to put him through that so I lied.

"Sir? Aren't you going to go fix her toilet? Why you just standing there?" Mom said pointing her finger at him. He nodded his head and slowly walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. I felt so bad.

"What is wrong with him? He just standing there looking stupid. How he's going to fix the toilet with no tools?" She said. I rolled my eyes. Trying to change the subject but she was still going on and on about it. She reminds me of myah, my goodness.
After exchanging a few more words she left. I quickly walked to the bathroom and knocked on it.

"You can come out now!" I said. He ignored me. I kept knocking on the door but he wouldn't answer so I stuck my nail into the door's lock and unlocked it. He was sitting on the edge of the toilet with his head Down. He looked up at me and his face was pink.

"Shawn I am so Sorry.." I said sitting next him. He didn't say anything. I began to nudge him.

"Wasn't you the one who told me you didn't care what people say about you?" He blurted. I was confused so I just nodded.

"If you lied to your mom so she wouldn't hurt my feelings by saying some racist shit, I wouldn't care either you know."

"Are you sure.. cause you couldn't even handle Myah's mouth"

He chuckled and ran his hands through his hair.

To be continued.....

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