Chapter 4

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Ryan pulled up to her driveway with Myah in the passenger seat. They quickly got out and didn't even bother to take the key out the ignition. Shawn stood up from sitting on his car with a confused look on his face as he seen Ryan and Myah quickly walking his direction. "Where is she?!" Myah yelled shoving Shawn to the side as she was approaching his door. he quickly grabbed her and shoved her back to the sidewalk. "What is going on!?" He yelled trying to control Myah.  His eyes locked on Ryan as she stood with a sad depressed look on her face. His mom came outside folding her arms. "You again? I thought I told you not to come near my family" she said. Myah shoved Shawn to the side and walked up to Karen with her finger pointed to her face. "If I catch you talking to my friend again I'll whoop your racist ass!" She yelled. "Can somebody please tell me what's going on!" Shawn blurted. "She wrote this note.. and then she tried to bride me, telling me to stay away from you and telling me to move away from here" Ryan said as she handed Shawn the note. He looked down at the paper and started reading. Nobody haven't said a word just Awkward silence. "Mom? Why ? Me and her don't have anything going on. So why would you think we do?" He said. She flipped her hair and started walking towards him. "Shawn? Every time I look out that window, she always in our yard leaning up against your car and I watch her smile when you talk to her. What was I suppose to think?" She said. Myah rolled her eyes and faked yarn. She wanted Shawn to feel sorry for her, she wanted Shawn for herself. She fear that he won't be the same if he was hanging around Ryan.

"Every time? me and Ryan barely talk mom, and it's more than that, you don't like her cause her skin tone. " he said trying to walk away.

"That's not true Shawn!" Karen shouted. Shawn turned towards her and shook his head in disbelief.

"Oh come on! The things you say about her everyday before you leave for work?? It's racist mom." He said. He balled up the paper and threw it to the ground before walking off. His mom ran after him but he shooed her away. He also told her that he wants her to move out of his apartment by tonight. She walked back inside and started packing. Myah began to go on and on about the situation that had just went down but Ryan wasn't even listening. She was too busy watching Shawn walk away. Even though he was far, she could still see him. "I'll be back!" She said cutting Myah off. She ran towards her car and got in it. She pulled out the driveway and drove off trying to catch up to shawn. Myah stood in the driveway with her hands up. She began to wonder why is Ryan always trying to chase after Shawn. Shawn has no interest in her. He shows no sign of feelings.

As soon as Ryan caught up to shawn she slowed her car down matching Shawn's speed. "Shawn!" She shouted out the window. He ignored her. He didn't even look her way, he just kept walking. She even tried beeping the horn. He just kept walking. She sped up to a stop sign that was right across the street from where Shawn was heading. She crossed the street but he went around her car. She jumped out and quickly walked beside him grabbing his arm. She looked down at his arm and stared at the guitar tattoo that had sound waves and trees formed into that Guitar. He pulled away and folded his arms.

"Sorry, I was just admiring your tatt- never mind but can we talk?" She said.  He looked around not even making eye contact with her before nodding. Shawn was still upset. They  began to walk back to her car and got in it. They sat in silence for about 2 minutes. Nobody haven't said a word. "I'm sorry for myah coming at your mom like that. She's crazy.." Ryan said breaking the silence. "Yeah well my mom is too, trying to make me become something I'm not." He said. He looked down at his hands and started messing with the ring on his left finger. She turned to him. He began to vent to her, telling her the only reason he really come outside to play his guitar is to get away from her and to relax his mind and clear his thoughts. He wanted to clear every wrong thing his mom told him. She listened and offer her shoulder to lean on. About an hour and forty eight minutes past, Ryan drove back to her place and they both got out.

"Thank you for listening and understanding Ryan. " he said offering her a hug. She hugged back.

"You're welcome, if you need anything, I'm just 20 steps away" she said and he chuckled. Shawn stared at her and smiled. "Text me" he said. She shook her head didn't even know he had put his number in her phone. He than made his way back to his apartment and watched his mom packed up her stuff into her car taking his little sister Aaliyah with her. "Bye Shawn" she said hugging onto him. He kissed her forehead and watched her get in the car. She than looked over at Ryan and waved at her as well. Ryan didn't know what to do so she shyly waved back. Shawn turned his head over at Ryan and laughed.

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