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The time was four pm in the afternoon and Shawn was suppose to be back from Miami six hours ago. Ryan sat at the table with Karen and Aaliyah eating. Ryan finished eating her PB&J and went to go lay down. Karen was concerned about her. Maybe it's because she's depressed because of myah. Ryan has somehow been sick for about two weeks but refuses to go to the doctor. She said it was probably the door she ate because he has a weak stomach but Karen believed that Ryan might be pregnant and Ryan refuses to believe it even though she can see and feel the symptoms. Soon  as Karen was done cooking she called them out to eat. "Where's Shawn?" Aaliyah asked while sitting at the table, both Ryan and Karen shrugged.

"Ryan, you might need to go get a test" Karen whispered. Aaliyah's eyes quickly fell on Ryan. She took out her headphones out her ear and laid them on the table to hear what was going on.

"What test? A Pre-" Ryan replied with a confused look on her face.

"Don't say it! Aaliyah's right here but yes that." Karen said.

"Mom I'm sixteen I know what a pregnancy test is" Aaliyah replied after eating her food. Karen grabbed the empty plates placing them into the sink.

"Aaliyah go call your brother and see where he's at" she said. Aaliyah rolled her eyes while leaving the table and heading towards the room.

"I don't think I'm pregnant miss mendes."

"You been having morning sickness for about two weeks now. And you're not eating"

"Maybe because  it has something to do with Myah."

"Well, let's see.. let's go get a test right now and see" Karen said. She stood up heading over to the coffee table to grab her keys. Ryan didn't want to believe that she's pregnant. Maybe Karen was right, she did have two kids so maybe she could see Ryan's symptoms from a mile away . Ryan's morning sickness caused her to not want to eat anything because she was tired of throwing up. To keep her weight up she would drink 4 smoothies and eat peanut butter sandwiches a day which somehow was the only thing that kept her from vomiting.

"Me and Shawn been through this already." Ryan mumbled. Karen and Ryan started to head outside along with Aaliyah. They quickly drove to A nearby drugstore that sells pregnancy tests. Ryan stepped out the car walking towards the store with Aaliyah. "I really hope that these tests comes out negative" Ryan said while walking isle to isle searching. Aaliyah stood beside Ryan with her fingers crossed hoping that the test comes out positive. "Ryan!" A guy called out from the front of the store. It was Axel, he worked here. Ryan grabbed the tests handing them over to Aaliyah. "Here, pay for these" she whispered. "I can't. I'm not over eighteen." Aaliyah replied as they began to make their way to the cashier. Ryan didn't want Axel to know that she was purchasing pregnancy tests. She reached for her purse searching for her wallet. "These yours?" Axel asked while ringing up the tests. "Nope, they're for a...uh, friend" she replied handing him a Visa card. Somehow she has Shawn's Visa card in her purse. "Wait! No give me that card back and I'll just pay it with cash" Ryan said. "Oh. Um... I think it's a little too late" he said with hesitation. Ryan palmed her forehead and shoved everything back in her purse. She decides to take the test in the store bathroom. They started to make they're way to the back of the store where the bathrooms were located. "Can you hold this" Ryan said. Handing Aaliyah her phone and purse. Aaliyah begged to be in the stall with Ryan. She wanted to see the results as soon as it shows up on the test. Ryan agreed and they both stood in the stall. Ryan began to rip open the wrapper revealing a blank test. She opened another and began pulling down her pants. Aaliyah looked away and started humming. Seconds later said laid out the test on the sink and they both waited. "Please please please..." she whispered. Ryan doesn't think she's ready for a child at the moment, she's only twenty and there's so much to do in life. After 3 minutes of waiting one of the tests were negative. Ryan was relieved. "Yes! Thank you Jesus!" She cheered. The other test some how took longer. Aaliyah was disappointed for about a minute  while Ryan began to wash her hands the other test came in. It was positive. "Look!" Aaliyah shouted. Ryan couldn't believe it. It has to be rigged I mean come on, why are they're different results. Ryan called Karen who was sitting in the car outside and asked her what to do about the situation. Karen told her to buy the real one which was the expensive one next to the one she purchased. Aaliyah waited in the stall while Ryan headed out to purchased another  test along with a bottle of orange juice.

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