Chapter 27

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"She's wants my attention so bad so she does these things to piss me off " Aaliyah blabbered as she continued to gossip about a girl at her school to shawn who's not even paying her any mind. He just sat there thinking. He'll be leaving soon to perform and camila was coming along with him since she's on one of his song. He had wished he'd wrote the song by himself so that he wouldn't have to see her face again. Ryan!" Aaliyah yelled causing Shawn to quickly turn his head towards the front door where Ryan had came in at. She had walked in the door holding onto her round belly. She didn't look happy either. Shawn heart started to race because he was thinking his mom had probably told her about camila eight nights ago.

"Hey baby," he said nervously leaning for a kiss but was rejected.

"Why aren't you answering any of my damn calls? This morning I went to my doctor's appointment today by myself....again" she said slamming the envelope on the coffee table. Shawn apologizes to her and told her his phone was on the charger and it was on Silent so he didn't hear it ring. She gave Aaliyah a hug before lifting her shirt midway to show Aaliyah the baby bump which was getting bigger by the day. Shawn got up and walked towards them holding out his hand. He placed his warm hand on her round stomach and stared directly into Ryan's eyes. He could see the anger in her eyes. She wanted to just hit him in the face one good time but she knew she didn't have the guts to do it in front of his sister.

"I hope it's a girl" Aaliyah said 

"Rather have a boy" Shawn mumbled. As they both argued on what the gender of the baby might be, Ryan butted in to let them know when was the gender reveal which was four months away. Shawn didn't know why Ryan decides to talk about the gender reveal four months early but maybe it's better to plan it out before the time comes. Aaliyah race to the door to see who was knocking which confused Ryan and Shawn because they claimed they didn't hear anybody knocking at the door. It was camila. Shawn's body tensed up. She had walked in holding the clothes Shawn had let her borrowed the other day and sat it on the table. "Oh.. hey Ryan" she said nervously. Ryan smiled but kept her eyes on the clothes she had brought in. "So.. Shawn what time we're leaving?" She asked.

"Huh? Where you guys going?" Ryan asked

"California.." Shawn said. He grabbed Ryan's hand cause he knew she was about to start flipping which she did. She snatched away from his grip and folded her arms.

"California? Hm.. when did you guys planned this? Cause I didn't even know anything about this or why she's even going" Ryan continued

Camila covered her face cause she feel  she had started something.

"Ryan , she's on one of my songs that's why she's coming with me. I'm sorry I didn't tell you" Shawn said while caressing her shoulder.

Ryan walked over to the clothes camila laid on the table and grabbed them. Two seconds later they were tossed at Shawn.

"Wait Why she had your clothes Shawn? And Your boxers too? Camila how you get his shit?" Ryan said. Shawn tried to calm her down a little but she wasn't having it. "Go in the room Aaliyah" he said while shoving her in the direction of his room. Aaliyah quickly walked in the room closing the door behind her but opened it a little to eavesdrop. Camila tried to explain to Ryan that everything was a misunderstanding but Ryan wasn't falling for it. "I'm calm, I'm calm!" She said sitting on the arm of the couch. Camila and Shawn both glanced at each other.

"It's my fault." Camila said putting her hands in her pocket. Shawn stood near Ryan, he wasn't next to her but he was close enough just in case Ryan was going to try to hit Camila he'll have a chance to grab her before he do.
"What you talking about? What was your fault camila?" Ryan asked while glancing over at shawn as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. "I came over here and seduced him. But i didn't came over here just to.. you know.. I came over here to look for you and.." Camila said. The room grew quiet for a quick 7 seconds.
"So you're telling me... both of you guys had ... sex?" Ryan said as she slowly started to stand up. "You serious?" She continued looking right into Shawn's eyes. With Ryan being pregnant, she is so emotional and angry all the time, always wanting to fight and always wanting to cry. Shawn didn't like it but he knew it was temporary so he had to suck it up. "Ryan I'm sorry" Shawn said. He Held onto her hand tight because he could see that she was about to go at camila. "I'm sorry Ryan. It's my fault. I knew you and Shawn was together and I still... I'm sorry" camila said walking towards the front door. She tried leaving but Shawn didn't want her too due to the fact that they have to leave tomorrow morning for the show. Ryan cried and cried and it was awkward seeing her cry while everybody just stood there. Shawn's mother then walked in through the door with bags in each hand heading towards the kitchen. "Ryan please stop crying i said I'm sorry." He whispered. He didn't want his mom Karen in his business but it was already too late for that. "What's going on? Feels like a funeral in here" Karen said. She saw Ryan crying and camila standing in the corner and already knew she had found out about camila and Shawn. Camila wanted to leave. She attempted to leave four times but Shawn told her to go sit in his room with Aaliyah. Things were a little awkward for Shawn now. Everybody blamed him for his actions. Karen thought it was a good idea that Ryan and Shawn should break up and co parent since her son doesn't know what loyalty is. Shawn disagreed with her. He thought he could get another chance and start over. "Ryan? Don't leave" Shawn said as he watched her heading towards the front door. "Ryan! I'm serious" he continued. He yanked her back inside the house pulling her towards him. Karen shoved Shawn and told Ryan to leave.

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