Chapter 13

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Ryan laid across her bed with her eyes glued to the ceiling thinking about the incident that happened between Myah and Shawn yesterday as it replayed over and over in her head. She hasn't even heard from Shawn since yesterday and didn't want to be the one to text him first either. She knew Shawn was still upset about his guitar so maybe Shawn needed some space to clear his head or something. What myah did was disrespectful. She has no remorse, how could you take something valuable to someone and break it? And then get mad at the person you took from? Ryan didn't want to end her friendship over Shawn, but when you're constantly going at him over and over then that's when you crossed the line. She didn't know what to do.
It was Either she drop her best friend Myah, for Shawn or drop the guy she loves for her best friend. She didn't choose neither, instead She just decides to ignore Myah for a while until she can come to her Senses. Myah was a sweet loving girl 4 years back, everybody loved her, she was kind, sweet, very funny until one day she started to hang around the wrong people. She would skip school, do drugs, fight people for no reason. It got so bad that her own mother kicked her out at the age of 16. She loss family and friends, Ryan was the only one who stuck around through it all. Myah was diagnosed with depression and was very suicidal. Even tried to kill her self Seven times so she was sent to a place far away for about 5 days even though she was suppose to be there for a year but she ran away. Ryan had no choice to make sure myah doesn't do anything stupid, so dropping her isn't the best idea.

Shawn was at his apartment sitting in his bed writing lyrics and humming to himself. He didn't want to be bothered at the moment. He also has family coming over from Canada for Christmas Eve which was in 8 more days. He didn't know if he wants them to know about Ryan being his girlfriend which will probably freak them out considering that she's black and that they are also a racist except his mom Karen, and little sister Aaliyah. He got off the phone with his mom and went to get dressed. He started buttoning his shirt heading to the front door of his apartment but stopped and stared at the broken guitar on his table that he forgot to throw away yesterday. Just looking at the guitar made him even more angry. He walked outside and locked the door.
The wind outside started to pick up as it got closer and closer to the holidays. Trees started to loose their leaves as strong wing swish between them. Shawn was heading to his car but stopped and stared at Ryan's window. He missed her smell, her warm touch and her beautiful smile. He wanted space but really wanted to be under Ryan and didn't even understand why he needed space when it really wasn't Her fault. He made his way over to her apartment and grabbed her extra key from under her mat. The door slowly creeped open and the sweet smell of lavender brushed against his face as he began to make his way over to her room. She was laying in bed faced to the window. Shawn slowly crawled in bed wrapping his arms around her slim body. "I miss you so much" he whispered. She smiled and turned her body over to face Shawn. "I missed you too". They lips began to touch and his hands began to touch her Warm skin. He lifted her shirt over her head throwing it onto the floor and she did the same but struggled trying to unbuttoned each button on his shirt. She ran her fingers down his arm feeling on his light bulb tattoo on his back arm as he kisses her neck. "Ryan!" Myah yelled as she burst into the room. Both Shawn and Ryan gasped. Shawn took the sheets and wrapped it around Ryan's breast. "Myah what the hell!" Ryan yelled. Myah jumped in the bed in between them and folded her arms with a smirk on her face. Shawn was disgusted. He stood up and picked up his shirt from off the bed and started to head out the room. Myah doesn't know when to stop. They don't even know how she even got in to the apartment when all the doors were locked. "What's his problem? Anyway! Girl I need you to do me a favor" she started. Ryan rolled out of bed and threw back on her shirt. "You have some nerve" Ryan began. "Myah go. Get out. I'm sick of you busting in my house when ever you feel like it. This is my apartment, your name is not on this damn lease" she added.

"I thought we was still cool. I been coming in here with no problem since you first moved here 3 years ago. Why you bitching about it now" Myah said.

Ryan pointed to the door to let her know that she needs to get out. Myah just sat there with her arms folded.

"Go and don't come back unless I tell you too now go" Ryan said

"Is you serious? Ryan you know about my problem. You know I can't be alone."

"You should've thought of that yesterday. And besides, you have medicine for that."

"Why are you talking to me like that. Do you know who you talking too?"

Myah rolled up her sleeves and stood up. She started to get angry. Her face started to light up. She must've not taken her medicine today cause she was very much off. Her right arm would twitch every twenty second.

"Myah go. I don't want to hurt you now get out." Ryan grabbed her by her shirt and started to shove her out the room.

As they started to make they're way to the front of the apartment, Shawn was standing near the kitchen with his shirt dangling over his left shoulder.

Myah walked outside and folded her arms. She took her eyes off Ryan and eyed Shawn who was walking their way.

Ryan went into her kitchen and grabbed Myah's medicine from her cabinet and a bottled water and ran back to the door.

"Here, take this now" she said handing her a pill. Myah threw the pill  into her mouth and washed it down with water still eyeing Shawn.

"Now go and take a nap" Ryan said before shutting the door.

Shawn pushed himself off the wall making his way back over to Ryan. As he started to run his hands down her arm she pulled away.

"You okay?" He asked putting both hands on his hips. She nodded and grabbed his arm walking back into her room.

"Hey can we talk ?" Shawn began. He sat on the chair and patted his lap gesturing Ryan to sit.

"My family is coming over on Christmas Eve and they want to meet you" he added

Ryan's whole face expression changed.

"I thought we was suppose to be going on a trip on Christmas Eve?" She said.

She got off his lap and stood in front of him. Shawn promised Ryan he'll take her to Barcelona on Christmas Eve, he even told her that he doesn't want his family down talking her about her skin color and that's what made him decide to take her on a trip to Barcelona to avoid them coming to see Shawn and Ryan.

"I'm sorry, I forgot. We can still go but I want you too meet them first. And it's my Mom's side of the family who's racist. Not my dads side." He said. He saw the look in her eyes and he can immediately tell that she's not down for it.

"Okay I guess, but if any of them say one racist thing I'm leaving." She said.

He smiled and stood up hugging her tightly as they both fell back in the bed.

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