The girlfriend

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It's been weeks since Ryan haven't seen shawn. She needed to talk to him. She promised Shawn she'll watch him perform at that club, but she bailed. She would wait by the window at 4 everyday cause that was the time he would play his guitar. It's been 3 weeks.

"Can you stop!" Myah yelled while jumping in the bed. Ryan turned from the window and sat on the chair near her make up dresser. "Every time I come over here, you looking out that damn window. I told you from the jump that white boy didn't want you" she continued. Ryan quickly picked up a pillow and threw it at her. She then heard yelling from the window. Just before Myah was about to throw the pillow at Ryan, she ran to the window to see what was going on. They both spotted Shawn and the blonde chick yelling back and forth. Myah pulled out her phone and started recording. "What is you doing?" Ryan asked. Myah shrugged her shoulders. "This is going to be my first YouTube video, called white fight" she said. Ryan rolled her eyes and left the room, she walked outside heading towards Shawn and the girl. "Hey!" She yelled trying to get there attention. They both turned around laughing.

"Oh hey Ryan" Shawn said. She looked over at the blonde girl than over at shawn. She was confused. They was just arguing a few seconds ago and now there laughing? "Wasn't you guys... arguing?" She asked. The blonde girl shook her head. "No.. we were yelling about something but we wasn't arguing" she replied. A little bear keychain flew and hit the blonde girl on the head. They all looked in the direction it came from which was from Ryan's window. We could see the top of Myah's head while she tried ducking. "Did she just threw this at me??" The blonde girl said. Shawn picked up the object and handed it Ryan. "Why she's always throwing things?" He said. Ryan shrugged her shoulders and looked back at the blonde girl as she started to rub her left hand down Shawn's back. By the looks of it, his body twitched and he felt uncomfortable but he tried not to show it. Ryan can see right through him.

"Oh Ryan this is Cindy, and Cindy this is my neighbor Ryan." He said. Cindy smiled and shook her head. It then got awkward. Nobody said anything afterwards. The sound of thunder roared through the sky and the dark clouds slowly started to move in. "See you later shawn" Ryan said as she began to head back inside. Myah stared down at Ryan as she began to make her way back inside.

"So.. how'd it go?" Myah said.

Ryan threw herself in bed and forcefully shoved her pillow on her face.

"It went bad! Like why is he with her? She's not even that cute" she yelled.

Myah didn't know what to say, cause Cindy was actually really pretty in her eyes. She didn't want to give Ryan her opinion cause she knew how rowdy Ryan can get. They both sat in bed in silence neither did one of them say anything. They both was actually in they're in little world. Myah was laying in bed with her face buried in her phone and Ryan was laying next to her staring up at the ceiling fan thinking about god knows what. Time began to past and the sound of Shawn's guitar started to play. Ryan smiled for a quick second but got even jealous when she heard Cindy singing with Shawn. "Ugh it's bad enough I got to hear his ass sing every time I come over, now I gotta hear her too! Damn!" Myah complained. She stood up and threw on her shoes and headed out the room and out the door. Ryan didn't realized she even left until she started hearing loud voices coming from outside her window. She rolled out bed and tripped over her chair but then got up limping to her window and of course it's Myah arguing with Cindy. Myah and Cindy was arguing and Shawn was standing in the middle of them hoping and praying Myah don't hit her. He looked up at the window when he spotted Ryan and mouthed 'help'. Ryan left the window and walked outside to grab Myah. "You stupid motherfucker. Girl I will fuck you up!" Myah yelled at Cindy who just stood there holding up both her middle finger. Ryan asked what was going on but all she heard was that Myah came outside to politely tell Cindy and Shawn that they are disrupting the peace but really she came out here and said "Can you stop playing that cheap ass guitar and shut the fuck up. People are trying to sleep" which wasn't polite at all. Ryan demanded Myah to go inside and cool off and Shawn demanded Cindy to go inside to cool off.

"Hey I want to apologize" Ryan said folding her arms. Shawn leaned again his car and grabbed his guitar. "For what? Disappearing at my show a couple weeks ago or for myah's behavior?" He said smiling. She shyly smiled back and leaned up against his car. "Both". He didn't get mad or anything. In fact, he forgave her for not keeping her promise. He winked at her and gave her a hug before carrying his guitar back inside. Ryan smile grew. She watched Shawn go inside the house. Cindy stood by the door with her arms crossed and her eyes locked on Ryan who already started walking back to her apartment. It was eight forty five at night and the rain had just stopped and the clouds rolled away revealing the bright moon that shined through the window. Ryan laid in bed next to Myah who was snoring so loud and couldn't even stop rolling around in the bed. Ryan didn't even care, she was still hooked on to Shawn's voice playing over and over in her ears.

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