‼️⚰️GOING TO JAIL.....‼️⚰️

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I locked the bathroom stall and shut the door/
waited for you to get there/
but I couldn't get excited enough to explore/
I took off my shirt and prayed for a smile but instead you just stared/

At my huge stomach, and small dick/
I'm sitting on the toilet, trying to get hard/
still so distant, you were just acting like a prick/
not even looking at me, thought you kissing me would horny, instead it's gonna get me barred/

arrested and locked inside a cell/
all these days you said you loved me, was a lie/
now your causing me hell/
I'm never gonna have sex again, I'm tired of living in this pig sty/

you pushed away from me when I held you/
was I too fugly, I'm gonna ruin my life because of all these times/
I'm gonna cry, wishing I was dead, cause you were ready. until you saw the real me, I lost you and your new dude/

you go to church, but there's a special place in Hell for you/
I'm gonna cry myself to sleep, you think I'm gonna give into my defeat/
I'm such a damn fool, I thought I was in with your crew/
but I'm gonna see to that once I'm released I will be ready to see your reap/

Verse Two:

you kissed me one last time/
thought you were a mastermind the way you told your fucking lie/
yeah, you thought you was sly/
I bought you a gift and was told you loved me with a pie/

with a bomb inside/
ready to detonate it, and see you die/
you were my reason for living I don't want to cry/
I'm still asking god why/

pretending to be happy/
smiling and saying "make it snappy"/
thoughts of you make me coffee/
in a house with two kids, nobody's loving "The sloppy"/

I will be strong, hate you until I'm dead and gone/
just because I couldn't preform, doesn't mean I can't get revenge for doing me wrong/

I always hated the pain you caused me/
you ignored my texts even hated my seminary/
but I'll soon see you in the cemetery/
blood and guts and all, defying gravity//)

A poets poetic poetry Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt