{7} Notes

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Do you

Hear my cries, my tears...

My pain?

The thing is,

I cannot resist—

The temptation is

Too great to persist...

You will break me, hurt me, kill me

And I will let you, hoping,

That it was meant to be


"I wanted to ask you something important."

She continued walking. She usually wouldn't ignore someone, but she couldn't help it. She could tell by his voice— it was something important.

Also something terrifying.

Why, oh why, couldn't he just leave her alone? Was it that hard? She desperately wanted to be alone. Needed to be. Please get the hint, please get the hint, she begged silently.

It was just another school day. An average one. For a day like this, you needed one annoying, charming, flirty Qibli and a absent Winter.

She found out that every day was boring and same without a bit named Winter.

She didn't even bother to stop at her locker. Qibli would take advantage of that. Despite all his faults, he was a genius. A terribly cute genius, apparently. According to Kinkajou, at least. She replaced 'winterwatcher,' with 'moonbli,' saying that she wouldn't be so depressed and alone if Qibli was with her.

The thing was, Moon didn't quite want Qibli. As more than friends.

Or did she? She wasn't exactly sure. But she would suffocate from his desperate eyes, his sometimes-funny-sometimes-lame jokes, and, mostly, jealous Umber before she could even choose.

"Moon!" He said loudly. Then, again. "Moon!"

She pressed her lips together and sighed. She slowly turned, gripping her books tightly over her chest.

She narrowed her eyes. "Hi."

He grinned in relief, brushing his sandy blonde hair out of his deep black eyes. "I've been looking for you, Moon."

She raised an eyebrow. She would have been nicer, except that her good mood seemed to be in the skies with Winter. He seemed to take a lot of things with him. Probably her soul. Perhaps that was why it felt so empty?

"Well, here I am." She forced a smile. "What do ya need?"

He gave a nod to a passing girl, who squealed. Qibli and Winter was like that starts of the school: one charming and warm and funny, one cold and desirable and tortured. Moon was, well, the girl that they seem to be okay with.

"I was wondering... Are you free tonight?" He gave her a charming grin, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Um," she said apologetically. "I'm not sure."

He shrugged. "You seem down lately. I know you have a great reason to be, but I miss the cheerful Moon you were couple months ago." He reached out and laid a gentle hand on her shoulder. "You know you can always talk to me."

"Yeah, I know." She gave him an irritated, fake smile. Her skin burned where his hand was. She tried to shrug it off as nice as possible, but he didn't let go.

"So, wanna go to the movies with me tonight? The Endgame," he whispered softly. His eyes were sparkling with excitement. "It'll be really fun." He handed her a small movie ticket.

13 Reasons Why// Winterwatcher (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now