oogie boogie man

2.4K 35 26

so Thank you Talented_trash  for tagging me this is the exact pic that was used on yours so im sorry I didn't know how to put it down besides this so I hope that is ok 

I also warn you my spell check isn't working so my spelling isn't going to be the best

1. k done

2. Oh boy....

2a. favorite animal is an owl

2b. I have two cats

2c. I can NOT do a catwheel or spilts

2d. I read dam books

2e. im wondering why I have to do 13 of these

2f. I still have constant ear infections

2g. I do plan on updating somtime yet today through next week

2h. I prefer the moon and stars compared to the sun

2i. I love rain

2j. occationally to unlock something I will say Alohamora

2k. I don't take well to rude comments on mine or anyone elses stories so I often do comment back all rude like because that is unexeptable

2l. i've been to Disney world 

2m. im happy this is the last one :)

3. well that's why im currently doing this

4. ok ok jeez I did it within a week there is no need to threaten people

5. this is my book

6. 15? well here I goooooo....














well looks like I don't have 15 sorry but I do have 13 close enough right?

7. this works right?

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