The rabid rabbit

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(Nikos appearance at the top)
???: yo! Wats up hero?! I'm Nikolav this dungeon boss/master but you can call me Niko!


Niko: The silent type eh? No matter then, but you want the core right? Then I'll cut you a deal! Beat me in a game and the core is yours.

Alyss: what if you win?

Niko: you'll stay here as my pet. FOREVER.

Alyss: ....! And if I refuse?

Niko: you don't really have a choice in the matter~!😁

Alyss: 😟 what's the game?

Niko: That's more like it! It's called "Kuchikomi" the rules are simple, one person says a noun which causes that object to either appear or disappear depending on if it's present or not. The last letter must be the first letter of the next word spoken. You have 30 seconds to say the word once it's your turn.
you lose if:
you cannot continue
You repeat a word
Don't answer in 30 seconds
Say a word that could cause direct harm to your opponent

Alyss: Those are all the rules?

Niko: yes they are. We may begin when you're ready.

Alyss: alright I guess I'll go first.

Alyss VS Nikolav

Are these two evenly matched?!

Round 1, START!

'let's do this!' I'll try to say words that will benefit me. Items that will be necessary for my journey.... legendary items and artifacts, hopefully they'll stay. 'Hey, weapon.' Wut? 'Can you eat the created objects for new unlocks?' I'm not sure... I could try. 'Good. Do that. I'll let go of you during the game so move around and absorb as much stuff as you can as quick as you can.' You got it boss!

25 seconds... shit! Uh gotta speak quick "pineapple!" Why? Just why do I even bother?

Niko has that "really nigga?" Look on his face before he replies "Emerald."

I reply swiftly. "DONUT!!!!" And a beautifully glazed donut appears before me, ready to be eaten.

Dungeon boss Niko looks perturbed... he's getting ready to reply.

"Tea." A fancy tea set floats with his magic. I see where you're going my dear opponent. Then!.... "apricot." Using the visualization factor to my advantage I summon apricot jam. The look on his face shows that he gets what I'm going for. He smirks as he says "table." And just like that beautiful table appears as he makes the jam and tea land gently.

It's my turn now.. but what should I say? He knows what I'm doing and knows that by cooperating it'll be difficult for me to finish the set up. I'll just have to go with-! "EBONY!" A mountain of ebony ore appear crushing the crystal table and tea. It's my turn to smirk as my partner eats up the ore and remnants as the Rabbit looks at the mess with a furious expression.

It seems i was right. Rabbits truly CAN'T resist tea time. Then again, some of the characters in the story have always reminded me of twisted Alice in wonderland characters. Why would a white rabbit be any different than the others?

A not cute at all goat thing appears.

A brave warrior cuts down the goat thing.

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