The Trial

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A/N: okay so we're gonna start later on in the episode so be prepared!

"What so called crimes are you claiming they committed?"

I walk in with my party And Wyndia dragging the member of the sword heroes party who sold wyndia and the knight captain responsible for all the heavy lifting Malty colluded with as I spoke up. "Where to start? How about attempted assaination against the queen and future queen, multiple counts of colluding with the church to kill and frame the shield hero, the false rape accusation against a cardinal hero, stealing from the treasury, setting a fucking forest on fire, colluding with a member of the sword heroes party to kill a dragon emperor whose a descendant of the apocalyptic dragon god Bahamut zero and is as important as the filofial queen Fitoria and selling his daughter Wyndia into slavery and giving Stilvelt even MORE reason to start a war. You're majesty, I figured that the spear hero would not listen to reason so I brought maltys accomplices which is why I'm late, they were trying to run away. if you could have that guy put a slave crest on these guys as well so they don't lie when it's their turn to speak..."

I say to the queen bowing with my party. The queen smiles at me. "Mage hero. I thank you for coming and bringing additional evidence to the court."

"No problem! I'm just glad I didn't miss the show. I love a good play!" I smile. "I also brought lady Wyndia to watch the play. It may not be much compensation for her, but I wanted her to at least be able to get a say in these guys fates." I say as I gesture to the 'witnesses' I brought that are now marked and being held to the ground.

"What are you doing dammit?!"

Motoyasu yells at us all sorts of things and I can see the queen getting mad so I cast a silencing debuff on him.

"Shut your mouth pig! This is a courtroom and if you don't behave I'll court Marshall you on behalf of the court... I doubt the guards could anyway."

I tune out the boring shit and just watch. I see ren looking at Wyndia with regret but Wyndia is glaring at ren so hard he looks away.

"-aaaahhg!" I hear BITCH scream and look to see her getting electrocuted. I giggle at it as does Wyndia and the others just smirk.

Before I tune out for a few seconds and the queen asks about her involvement in the melty assassination. She tries to lie AGAIN and gets shocked AGAIN and I laugh AGAIN cause "this is just too good! You dumb BITCH, you of all people should know how slave crests work! Stop trying to lie or you'll die from shock!"

The queen continues on after the king speaks shocked about this revelation.

The king speaks about his wrongdoings and claims the shield did the do unconsensually and the queen says "let's ask Mein then!"

So she does and it proves she's lied again. And motoyasu got transferred ownership and asked the same question. "My turn! Please put her in my name next. Do the same to the consort and the witnesses I brought. I have a list of questions of my own so I hope the queen will let me ask them." The queen nods and once it's done I have them all line up.

"Okay," I say as I pull out my list. "This one's for the knight captain. At the trial it was you who brought maltys underwear... answer me this: where did you find it?"

KC(knight captain): .... I was given it by malty.

A(Alyss): for what purpose?

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