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The knocking at my door grew louder.  "Wake the fuck up", someone yelled. I hear the hiss as my helmet locked into place.

I opened my door"I'm up", I told him. I looked at the person in front of me. "Hey sharky", sharkface stood there looking at me. "Phoenix they have a mission for us", he said to me.

I nodded "hold on", I walked back in my room and grabbed my daggers. I placed them in their places. "do you really need 6knifes on you", shark asked. I nodded. I had 6 knife's on me at all times. 2 on my legs 2on my back and 2 on my wrist.

We walked all the way to the mission room we're command was waiting with are mission. "there is a file we need to have and we don't want prodject freelancer to get it. Well need you to get it", I nodded, "You'll leave tommorow at night". The computer told us the last of the info and we were off.

I hadn't eaten anything that day so my stomach was growling. "You need to eat jaymee", shark said using my real name. I nodded and groaned leaning on the wall. My stomach had been like this for he past week.

"Thanks I guess", I told shark and walked into my room. I took of my armor and placed on shorts and a shirt. I didn't care what people said. I only wore my bra and underwear under my suit unless I went on special mission's. I collapsed on my bed and fell into sleep.

In her dream

The shot rang out above anything. "Dad", I yelled out. I watched as his body fell lifeless. I screamed again as my mom's body fell lifeless as well. I cried as someone started to shake my body. Why did I still hold on to this memory?

I awoke to a person above me and a tear stained face. I wiped my face from the tears and breathed. "Jaymee are you ok", someone asked.

On the edge of my bed,I know realized, was sharkface. He looked at me with out his armor on.

He had tattoos everywhere. Also one of his eyes was plain black. I shook my head at him and pushed the blankets off of me.

The sheets were tangled and I flinched. "Do you want to talk about it", asked sharkface. I shook my head.

He was spoused to be big and bad not this... Caring.

I curled into a ball and looked at sharkface.

"How many tattoos do you have",I asked him. He had alot of tattoos. "26 but if you count them in the whole picture 8", he said.

I smiled "I have one tattoo", I told him and turned around. I lifted my shirt and showed him my tattoo.

It was of a plain black rose with blood dripping down it.

He nodded at it and I put my shirt back down.

I yawned and sharky noticed. "Ok I'll leave so you can fall asleep", he said getting up.

"No please stay till I fall asleep", he nodded and sat down on the bed beside my head.

I curled up and fell asleep.

Tell me was it bad

Church:no it wasn't bad

Me: thanks

Well enjoy all things shall make since later

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