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I hadn't been coming out of my room since are last mission.

I only ever came out to train and then rarely did I eat.

Most of the time south or wash would come with food and sit and eat with me.

Wash currently sat with me on my bed.

"Jay you need to eat", he told me pushing food torwards me.

I shook my head. "I just want to sit here", I told him.

He nodded and picked up a piece of the chicken taking a bite out of it.

"There going to be giving me an a.i", wash suddenly said.

I glanced at him. "Do you know who your getting", I asked.

He nodded"epsilon".

"Memory", I said confused. Why was he getting memory?

He seen the confusion on my face and shrugged.

"I'm the youngest freelancer here. So I am able to remember more", he exsplained.

I nodded and wash turned to me.

"Will you be there for when I wake up from the implantation", he asked looking down.

I put a hand on his shoulder,"ofcourse I'll be there".

He smiled at me then ever so slowly he leaned over and kissed me.

My eyes widened and my thoughts went to sharkface.

He pulled away, blushing.

"Oh wash", I said putting my hand on his cheek.

I opened my mouth to explain when his wrist communicator went off.

"Wash we need you to med bay. A.i implantation is ready", it said.

He looked at it then stood up, grabbing his helmet.

"I'll see you when I wake up", he said cheerfully before walking out the door of my room.

I sat there for a second then let a tear slowly fall down my face.

I hated this mission.
I hated what it made me do.
I hated how I made people feel around me.

I rapped the blankets around me and layed on the bed.

I sat there for quite awhile before I heard a knock.

Someone was knocking on my door.

"Go away", I croaked out.

"Jaymee I need to show you something", i heard tex say.

Cliff hanger!!!!!

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