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Sharkface POV
When me and jaymee got back i had carried her,bridal style, to the medical room.

The mission was a success. I had gave the drive to the director (a/n not of prodject freelancer) and he had congratulated us and had told me he hoped jaymee got better. I couldn't agree more.

So know I was walking the halls without my armor thinking. I didn't know when I began to start liking jaymee but there was a feeling. I decided that I would go see her. I didn't know if she'd be awake she took quite the hit.

When I got to the med Bay there was jaymee laying on a cot.

"Sharkface", said a doctor. The doctor was shorter than me and looked frightened. "Yea", I asked. He gulped "could you take her to her room. She going to have a scar and a few broken ribs from the bullet". I nodded along as the doctor exsplained more stuff.

"tell her to take one if these pills if she hurts", I nodded and grabbed the pills.

I scooped her up and carried her to her room. I unlocked the door and then sat her down on her bed.

They must have changed her cause she was in a different pair of shorts and shirt.

I yawned and decided to stay the night in her room in case she had another nightmare. I layed my head on her lap and fell asleep.

Jaymee POV
In the morning the one thing I noticed before I awoke was that my legs we really warm. I opened my eyes and was blinded for a moment. I closed my eyes and then looked up.

I was in my own bed and laying his head on my lap was sharkface.

Sharky looked cute as he slept. His eyes were closed and he didn't have that look in his eyes that others got but I didn't.

I played with his hair for abit touching his brown/blackish hair. He slowly opened his eye and looked at you.

"Hi", you said quietly. You then noticed the trobing pain in your ribs.

"What happened", again your voice was quite but getting louder.

Sharkface looked at you from your lap. "You were shot", he said.

You nodded and yawned. You looked at the clock on the wall. It read 1:47am.

"You can sleep up here", I told sharky. He opened his eyes and got up from his position and I scooted over.

My rib shot pain throughout my body and I sucked in a breath. Shark was by my side on the bed his hand in my hands.

"We're does it hurt", he asked. You pointed to your left ribs. He gave you a pill and you gladly ate it as the pain died down.

He then sat behind you and pulled you to his cheast. That's when sleep,again, invades you.
Me:I'm so tired

Church:go to sleep then

Me:I don't think I can

Church: well try

I am very tired. Like I can hardly keep my eyes open. But there sharing the bed...again. But still.



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