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"ok you two ready", the pilot said. Me and sharkface to stay hidden we're going to fly in. Yeah we were going to glide down onto their base. I hated this idea but the only way to get the file was to glide.

"Phoenix", sharkface used you code name"your getting the drive". I nodded as we had went over the plan one last time. I would go first and he would patrol around.

"Ok ready", he asked me. I gulped and nodded. "Bye",I said and jumped.

I glided along the nights shadows till I spotted were I was spoused to land. 

I flew till I dropped on it and let out a groan. That made me feel sick.

I pulled out my knife and dropped down kicking one guy and stabbing another in the heart. The dead guy fell and then the second looked at me.

"What did you do to him", he asked. I couldn't help but laugh"have you never seen a killer before". He shook his head and gulped.

He was afraid if me. "I have a wife who's pregnant at home", he saidd. I felt a pain in my heart. He need to give his child a father.

"You help me I help you", I told him. He nodded "what do you need".

I smiled,he couldn't see it but still. "Go in there and tell him that guy fell and you need help then go in there and make a copy of the drive", I stated. He nodded. I gabbed my knife andI kicked the guys body into the ocean.

"I'll be watching", I said and then turned on camo mode.

These people for some reason had a window we're I could see inside.

The man had walked in and told them that the guy fell over the cliff. They all for some reason believed him. They rushed out and he put in that hard drive.

I watched as it downloaded the whole data in to it. He nodded when it reached 100 and walked out to me.

"Here know go I can't get caught", he said and I nodded. I started to run when he said "thank you for sparing me".

I nodded again and left.

'Sharkface',I said into my helmet. 'yeah', was the reply 'i got what we need let's go'. I ran waiting for him to respond 'ok meet at the West helicopter pad'.

I redirected my path and ran torwards the pad.

"let me see it", sharkface asked. I gave him the chip. "When will are pelican be here", I asked.

He radioed are ship and I looked behind me.

People were starting to run torwards us. I nudged sharkface"what", he said. I pointed"that" he groaned.

"The pelican should be here....... know",he said and the pelican flew up. He got in then began to pull me up before a bullet lodged itself in my back.

"Ahh", I said. He pulled me up and the pelicans doors closed.

I leaned against the wall before sharkface triped and my grip on him loosened as we fell.

I landed on top of him as my shoulder hurt like hell.

"Sorry... ugh", I said and he proped in a seat. That's all I remember before completely getting knocked out.
4 chapters

Church: good job I'm proud

Me:thank me ugh life's complected and I hate it

Church:well you have me

Me:yeah well on to do the thing that makes me happy... WRITING

f.u.c.kNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ