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1 month later
My rib hurt like fire. It was ever so slowly healing.

Everytime I took off my shirt and looked in the mirror there it was.

I wasn't allowed ,more like banned, from going on missions.

Sharkface had been one of the reasons. He was the one that told command that I wasn't in any 'condition' to get back to work.

I looked at the time and seen it was 7:35.

I got up and put on a pair of shorts and one of sharkface's shirts on and a hoodie. The shirt still smelled like him.

Sharky was off on a mission.

Every since that kiss of you and his you'd Gotten closer.

I got up and felt my rib throb.

Stepping out of my room I looked around.

There was only you and the 4 other doors in the hall but something didn't feel... right.

As I began to walk a guy smashed into me. I then realized who it was.

It was the perv who had touched you so long ago. "Got you bitch", he said as he began to tear off you hoodie.

I held my rib as he kicked it. He started to sloppily kiss my neck.

Then all of a sudden he was in the floor and sharkface was there.

"Don't touch her again", he told the guy"or I'll do worse. He helped me up and walked me back to my room.

"Are you ok", he asked. I nodded not wanting to speak.

"I'll go get food", he said and left. I didn't want to eat but I had to. I began to brake down and cry.

Time skip
A little while later sharkface cane back with a tray of food. Eggs and bacon.

Sharky looked at me and with a small smile. He sat the tray down then got next to me.

"I have you something", he told me.
I looked at him, chewing the bacon.
He pulled out a knife the blade was about 6inches long and for the handel was a shark on it. He held I out to me and I took it running my hand on the blade.

I leaned over and kissed him. He kissed back and cupped my face.

"where did you get this", I asked when we pulled away. "My friend had made 2 of them and gave me them both",I nodded.

I ate an egg then pushed the tray torwards him. I took the ripped hoodie off and got out needal and thread.

"Your wearing my shirt", sharky said. I blushed a little. "Yeah if you want it back you can take it", I said still blushing. He shook his head "nah you look hot in it". I again blushed.

We sat there and talked for awhile untill I finished sewing the hoodie back tougher.

"And...there all done", I said and put the hoodie down. I took it and the knife and sat it down on my drawer.

"I have a nice view of your ass jaymee get over here", sharkface said playfully. I blushed,again, and turned to face sharky. He was, somehow,already on the bed with his arms open.

I giggled and then walked over and cuddled into sharkface. That's how we spent most nights. With each other. I think I may love sharkface.
Yay she loves him.

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