26 pt1

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I shot my flare into the sky hoping that sharkface could see it.

I had finally made it to the mountain and had already shot off other 2.

It was getting late and really cold, I thought as I put more wood on the small fire I had made.

I sat on the ground by the fire and laid down, still in my armor.

The fire crackled as I laid down to sleep.

Sharkfaces POV

We landed the pelican next to the meet up point, and I rushed out, eager to see jaymee.

I had been skeptical since we last had seen each other.

When I had gotten the call from her, it had been the best thing ever.

The thought of just storming the mother of invention, had already been in our heads.

Heck almost the whole base missed her.

I walked,ran, out of the pelican that I had'borrowed'.

Looking around I didnt see her at first.

Then I seen the small smoke coming from a few weeds.

Dashing over to the fire I seen her small body.

She must of been asleep, cause she didnt move around, when I got to her body.

I picked her up and cradled her to my chest.

She shifted a little and cuddled into my chest.

I began to walk back to the pelican, when something sliver fell into the snow.

I, very careful, grabbed what had fell from jaymee armor.

I looked at what she had dropped and seen the knife I had given her.

My heart started to best happily knowing she walked around with the knife.

I put it in my suit pocket and continued to get on the pelican.

Then jaymee started to wake up.

She moved around in my arms and then she let out a startled Yelp.

She jumped then reached for her knife that wasn't there.

"Woah calm down baby", I told her.

She stoped and looked at me.


Jaymee POV

"Sharkface", I asked hoping it was real.

There stood sharkface in his armor.

"Yeah", he asked me, his voice ringing through my head.

"Where am I", I asked him.

"With me", he replied.

I smiled and took of my helemt. My red hair fell everywhere and then I could see fishsticks tan face.

I smiled and kissed him on the lips.

"I love you so fuckin much".

That the last chapter before I do an epoulige.
So thanks for reading and I'll try to have the epoulige up today


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