Chapter 2: Party!

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Izuku stretched his stiff arms in the air as he woke up then flopped them on his bed and let out a loud yawn.

Lately this week was pretty hectic and basically full of activities but finally, Izuku got his well deserved 6 hours of sleep. He smiled brightly and pulled the covers up and over him to start a new day, but that's when he looked out his window.

It was night time.

He let out a long sigh and flopped back on his bed, not before hearing his phone ring. He lazily slapped around his nightstand to look for his phone, once he got a hold of it he answered.


"Hey Izuku, where are you?" He recognized the voice to be Mashirao's.

"Huh? At home why?"

"Aren't you coming to Ochaco's birthday reunion?" Izuku bolted up from his bed and looked over at the present on his desk.

"Right! Yeah, I am! Can you send me the address and I'll be there as soon as possible!"

"Sure thing, see you soon Izuku." Mashirao hung up with a chuckle. Meanwhile, Izuku was at his closet and rummaging around his drawers to find a decent outfit.

"I guess that'll do." He mumbled to himself as he up on a black shirt with a flannel and light blue jeans. He got the present and quickly rushed out the door, locking it behind him.

He looked at the direction in his phone as he made his way towards his car and found it pretty easy to get to.

Opening his car door, he got in and tossed the present lightly to the seat next to him. He started the engine and was quickly on his way towards the Cafe.

Thankfully he got there just in time and parked his car before heading inside.

"Good evening sir how may I help you?" A nice looking lady asked him politely.

"I'm here with a group of friends, Ochaco, Kyoka...?" He trailed off hoping she would recognize one of the names.

"Oh! You're Jiros friend! Right this way." She guided him over to the large table where he saw many familiar faces.

"Izuku!" Ochaco was the first to notice him.

"Happy birthday!" He gave her a hug and then handed her the gift.

"Aww! You shouldn't have." She chuckled and immediately opened the present. "I love it!!!" It was a framed photo of the day they were all at the training camp.

"I'm glad you like it." He gave her a smile and then noticed someone waving from the back.

"Glad you could make it Izuku!" Called Kyoka from the back.

"Izuku!" Mashirao rushed to give his friend a hug. "It's been a while huh?" He smiled.

"Yeah! I hear you're doing pretty well lately."

"I finally opened up my own hero's business, and so far so good." He gave a thumbs up.

"Hey there broccoli head." Izuku hears his name being called by the one and only 'Pinky'.

"Nice to see you again Mina! You too Toru!" He noticed the invisible girl right behind her. He kept talking with the others, enjoying their presence, it's been hard trying to get together with any of them since everyone was so busy so it was nice to see most of them again and he was very intrigued as to what they've been doing these past few years.

He continued conversing and laughing along with his friends when he realized that there was live music playing in the background. He noticed because he was pretty amazed when he heard the chorus being sung by such a beautiful voice. He turned towards the stage to see who it was.

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