Chapter 8: Enough

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As the days have gone by, you couldn't help but fall for the green-haired boy more and more. It basically became a routine to see him buy something in the morning before work or just swing by the Coffeeshop every night before closing time.

It was a calm night, and the last of the customers were leaving. "Hey what do you say we go to my place after this? I've got new video games." He wiggled his eyebrows playfully making you laugh.

"Sure thing but let me tell you I'm gonna kick your ass at..." You stopped when you noticed a woman walk into the Cafe with something you usually wouldn't see a normal person carry.

"Izuku, get down!" You shouted and tackled him to the ground once the shooting started. Izuku was on full alert and his mind was racing at a million per second. He took a hold of you and cover you with his body as the shooting continued.

"Keep your head low and if you find something to defend yourself take it!" He shouted over all the noise. You two kept crawling on the ground, trying to get further away from the crazy lady.

You froze when the noise stopped and the lady loaded her gun for another round. "This'll get that #1 hero out in the open." She commented before her shooting rampage continued.

"Come on we have to get out through the backdoor!" Izuku started crawling away but you just couldn't make your body move. "Y/n! Are you okay??" He asked making sure you weren't injured. You looked at him, absolutely terrified and barely managed to say. "I'm scared."

You've been through some pretty dangerous situations, assaults, small robberies, but nothing to this extent. You could see how people were falling to the ground, blood slowly dripping out of each and every one of the people that you once knew.

"How are you doing on the west side Shred?" The lady asked in a bored tone through her radio as she took out yet another cartage but you could see it was coming out of her stomach.

What the hell kind of quirk is that?!

"Everything is being set up Gun Gal." The guy known as 'Shred' answered through the small radio.

"I'm going to get you out of here, don't worry you'll be fine." Izuku tried to reassure you but you couldn't help but shake in pure fear of losing your life.

"Hey, you over there!" You could feel your blood run cold as she stalked over to you both, her heels clicking with every step. "I just hate people who try to act heroically." She had a disgusted look towards Izuku. "Don't worry, I'll show you what we do to you wannabe Heroes." She lifted her gun and Izuku was ready to take it head-on, he knew what to do in this kind of situation but you didn't know he was a specially trained Hero.

"♪I don't like my mind right now, stacking up problems that are so unnecessary.♪" You sang loudly catching her attention, making her gunpoint towards you. "♪Wi-Wish that I could slow things down, I wanna let go but there's a comfort in the panic.♪" You continued, your voice slightly trembling.

"What the hell are you doing!" The lady locked and loaded but she seemed hesitant to pull the trigger, which is exactly what you wanted.

"♪And I drive myself crazy thinking everything's about me. Yeah, I drive myself crazy 'cause I can't escape the gravity.♪" You could see the change in her expression and continued. "♪I'm holding on. Why is everything so heavy? Holding on; so much more than I can carry.♪" Izuku knew what he had to do from here.

He had to abandon you.

His hands gripped at his sides in frustration but he had to make the choice, and seeing all the lifeless bodies around him, he had to leave you, now.

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