Chapter 14: Can't hide

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"How is station 23 going, Amplifa?"

"It's been terminated by the #1 just as planned."

"Perfect," He sat up from his chair and stretched his stiff muscles. "Looks like it's time for me to have my fun."


"I'm doing what?" Deku asked his sidekick Green Spirit.

"Going to the central hospital, it's good publicity since you took out those bad guys recently, it's good to keep that up." Deku let out a sigh. "It'll only be for a few hours, two at the most."

Deku let out a sigh. "Sure thing." Green Spirit gave him the direction and was quickly on his way there.


"Alright, I'm off!" You said as you pumped yourself up for today.

With your guitar at hand, you headed out to Japan's central Hospital, eager to lift the spirits of all the children there as you've done before.

"Hey Nao!" You called out seeing a familiar face as you arrived.

"Y/n! It's been such a long time since I've seen you! How have you been?" She jogged over to you and give you a hug.

"Working hard as usual. What about you? How's your craft store coming along?" You two walked side by side and made your way to the front desk.

"It's great! We're adding new materials and soon we'll be having craft classes!" She seemed so bright as usual which made you smile.

"That sounds like a lot of fun." You turned your attention to the desk lady. "Hi, we're here as volunteers." You held up your guitar case as evidence.

"Of course, the volunteers are getting together on the fifth floor, room 586."

"Thanks!" Nao cheered and was quick to walk towards the elevator. "Oh! And did you hear? Deku might be coming today too!" You took a moment to make sure you heard her right.

"Deku?" You asked.

"Yup! It's been a while since he's done this kind of stuff since he was in his last year of school." That's when you remembered that Nao was also a big fan of Heroes so maybe she could fill you in.

"So what was he like in school?" It was as if you triggered something inside of her as her eyes sparkled with determination.

"It all started when he surprised everyone in the first year Sports festival!" You weren't sure by this point if it was a good idea or a bad idea asking her about Izuku's history because your head was just so filled with so much information you didn't know what to do with it.

"Hello everyone and welcome to this year's volunteer group! I'm glad to see so many new faces and a few old ones." Mitsuhi looked over at you to which you saluted like a soldier in response.

"Today we have a special guest and I'm sure you all know him as," He waved towards the door. "Deku!"

There was a series of cheerful mutters, mostly from the girls in the room, as he walked in.

"Hello everyone!" He greeted somewhat formally with a bow. "I hope we all have a great time today, Plus Ultra!" Everyone in the room started clapping and as the noise died down when Mitsushi spoke up again.

"Now I know it's very exciting to have the number one hero present but please do not forget why we're all here. We will split you into groups depending on your skills and what you work best as so when you hear your name called please come up front!" You waited patiently for Mitsuhi to announce the names and when it finally came to yours, well,

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