Chapter 16: let's get this over with

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"Red Riot, They're getting away!" Uravity yelled, gaining the hero's attention while tossing one of the robbers to the floor, face first.

"On it!" Red Riot sprint in the direction she pointed and was soon out of sight. 
"Hold still- " Uravity groaned, slapping handcuffs on the perpetrator. "There." 

She gestured to some of the officers on stand-by to apprehend the criminals.

"Great work, as usual, Uravity." One of the officers commented, as others filed in to take the already cuffed criminals back to the police wagon.  

"That's what we're here for." She responded with a smile and walked out to face the public.

Before they knew it, the situation was under control. Four of the robbers were apprehended and the city was safe once again. However, there were the crooks who got away with 75 million dollars. No one's pointing fingers though, but it's still a mystery of how seemingly quirkless men managed to escape while being pursued by not only Red Riot, but three policemen as well.

Still, Not something the news reporters overlooked. 

"Red Riot, Uravity, would it be too much to ask for a comment?" 

"No problem." Red Riot had been in the business long enough to know reporters never truly leave you alone until you give them something to work with, and it's never really ever just one question with them.

While he was busy entertaining reporters, Uravity was busy with the cops going over some details. 'Soon.' Was the last thing Uravity over heard from one of the criminals before she handed him over to the police. She left the interrogation up to the professionals in the matter. 

Even though the situation had been taken care of, the looks of fear etched on many of the faces of the bystanders did not go unnoticed by the hero. The past couple of weeks, the crime rate had swiftly risen as compared to the month before, besides the best efforts of many of the pros and police combined, criminals did not shy away from causing chaos, if not daily then twice in three days is there ever a situation where the pros have to be called in. 

The fear is, criminals are only becoming bolder as time goes on.

"Keep us up to date with what you find out in the interrogation."

"Will do, Uravity."

The police cars and ambulances started to file out of sight, people and heroes made their way about their business, that's when it happened.

An explosion far off towards the coast. 

Another one on the other side of town.

The last, was a police car.

People were in a state of disarray. Scrabbling for shelter, while both heroes on the scene hurried towards each of the blast sites.

Three more blasts rattled the city, two coming from the harbor, where Uravity was headed. 

The cafe was a decent distance away from either blast, you and everyone there heard the noise. Celest ran out to see where the blasts were coming from. Huge clouds of grey smoke could be seen from the heads of a couple of buildings.

"Someone turn on the T.v." She walked back in, she knew the cafe wasn't in any immediate danger, but it was better to prepare to defend the cafe if the situation escalated further.

"Channel 7 here reporting to you live from our helicopter." The camera man turns the lens towards the center of town. "As you can see there have been several explosions from the north and west side. Witnesses say that most of the villains have been captured. Wait wait…" The news reporter turned to the side for a moment to listen to her ear piece. "I've just been informed that there are only two Villains left."


Deku barges in, breaking the doorbell in the process. "I need everyone here to evacuate, now." He demanded. Everyone whipped their heads to see the #1 hero and didn't think twice about leaving the Cafe. 

You watched as they all left, Tomiko and other employees as well. "I'll stay here to watch the place, maybe with my quirk I can-"

"Miss, it's dangerous and-" 

"Listen, I respect what you're doing, but we can't leave. So," You pulled up a chair and waited for the imminent. Hoping that you and Celest would not have to go through what you did the last time the cafe was attacked.

The cafe was empty now. You, Celest and the number one hero were the only ones left.

“I’m not moving.” You made clear, being a bit more stubborn than you usually are. What bothered you the most at this point was he was acting like you two were strangers, that one of the sides of his lives’ is just an act he puts up in front of you.

"Miss, this is an order. Your safety is our up-"

"I said no." You stood your ground, unwavering from Deku sounding a bit harsher. He reached for his mask, taking it off in one swift movement. “Please, Y/n, I don’t want to see your name on the list of deaths.” He seemed so worried as if he wasn’t even sure things were going to work out, making you rethink your options.

You were a bit shocked he would go as far as revealing himself to you at a time like this but it only convinced you further that he wasn't playing around and that now wasn't the time to be unreasonable.

"Alright alright, we're leaving." You rushed to the back room and got your things.

Deku was slightly taken aback since you didn't look fazed at all, but it wasn't the time to ponder on the thought, he had to make sure you were safe.

"Wait a minute, I never said I was leaving!" Celest interrupted. Deku turns to look at her with a death glare, but she paid no mind.


"No! That fight the villains are having are miles away! You can't get me out of here!" 

"Celest come on, we should just go, there's nothing we can do." You reached out to take her hand but she yanked it out.

"No, I'll use my other quirk to save this place!" You were somewhat surprised by her decision, it wasn't like her to be so stubborn.

"I don't have time for this! You both have to lea-" All of a sudden there was another explosion only about 3 blocks down the street.

The lights in the cafe started blinking and even the TV signal went out.

"Okay, maybe we do have to leave…" Celest got her bag and grabbed you by the wrist. "See ya!"

Deku was left dumbfounded but shook his head so he could focus on the task at hand. He rushed out of the cafe and was set in getting to the center of all this chaos. 

"Uravity, Red Riot, Shoto, anyone there?" Deku asked through his communicator.

"I'm on 28th Street, helping out the injured from one of the explosions." Answered Red Riot.

"Same here, I'm on 36th street. I've already apprehended a villain over here and now I'm helping out." Shoto responded.

"I'm coming in on your right, Deku!" Uravity could be seen high above the sky. "Gray Zone is heading for the docks!" 

"Has it been evacuated yet?"

"I called my dad and he said that he's getting them out." She answered, now racing above the rooftops along with Deku.

"It looks like Deku and Uravity are already on their way! Our heroes as always are here to save us." The reporter, Mika gave the camera a smile and thumbs up.

"Looks like the cameras' rolling." Uravity gave Deku a side glance as they got closer to the center of the chaos.

"Well we'd better give them a good show." The duo took one more leap before landing on the docks.

"Took you long enough." He rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Now, let's get this over with."

~ Celestial-red & MMSpaMEM ~

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